Chapter 2 ~ Drinks

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You got changed into the clothes provided and heard a knock on the door. You didn't open it. The person knocked again, rolling your eyes, you open the door. 'ma'am, you are needed' a officer said. you nod, what does needed mean? You thought but followed him down the hallway.

You where taken into a room you remembered from before, it was the officers bar. Your father sat there, a drink in his hand with Krennic. He was laughing away, you where confused, how is he laughing at Krennic's jokes when he had just killed his wife? Thinking further you realised it was how he would survive. You accept that this is him now and you sit next to your father.

'(y/n), would you like a drink?' Krennic asked.

'Yes, please, what ever the house suggests' you say.

Krennic signals the officer to pour one and the officer brings it over.

You nod and sip it, ugh its gross you think.

'tell me, what thought is on your pretty mind?' Krennic asks you smirking

Snapping out your thoughts you wanted to punch him but calmed down. 'oh nothing' your say quickly, taking swig of the gross liquid.

'Don't lie to me' Krennic said sharply. Quickly your father looked at you worried.

'I was thinking about how badly made this drink was' you say, placing it down and crossing your arms.

Krennic raises his eyebrows and shouts at the officer for his mistake, instead making one himself for you. Bringing it over you sip it, it was really good.

'this is lovely Krennic, your list of talents grow' you say, Damning him with faint praise.

He smirks 'then what else is on that list?' he asks

Your mind goes blank but you pull yourself together 'Your intelligence, kindness and loyalty to the empire' you say

'Anything else?' Krennic asks, leaning towards you, his eyes looking into your very soul.

'You also have the talent of being able to control a room' you say

'and' he said, pushing you further

'You also are very handsome' you say.

A triumphant smirk played on Krennic's lips and he leaned back as your father looks at you worried. You take another swig of alcohol as your heart sank and Krennic smirked away.

He stands and puts the glass on the bar, 'I have work to do (y/n), however I would love for you to carry on that list' Krennic said, a giant triumphant smirk still playing on his lips as he left.

As soon as Krennic left, your father turned round to you. 'what are you doing?' he whispers quickly.

'saving you and jyn' you say

'not like this' he says.

'I must father, I have made up my mind, I can't change it now' your say, puting a brave face on and leaving the room.

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