Chapter 3 ~ The lists

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Krennic was not kidding about that list, you where summoned to the bar around four hours later and he sat you down and wanted you to list all of his talents.

You said random stuff, hoping it would fuel his ego as he slowly fed you alcahol, soon you where tipsy, feeling laughter coming on, trying to suppress it you stop drinking.

After your had finished with the list Krennic seemed very pleased, his ego was obviously massive by now as he leant back on his chair and downed the drink in his hand.

'What do you find attractive in a suitor?' he asks suddenly, you feel offended but don't show it, you think of everything he was and went by that

'power, strength, blue eyes and older men' you say feeling sick at what you had just said

Krennic laughed and looked at you, his eyes flashing brightly as he took your face and examined you again.

He hums but says nothing more. You look down, feeling his sharp eyes on you, a smirk plasters in his lips again.

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