Chapter 12 - Bokuto

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DISCLAIMER - there is blood description and mentions of suicide in this chapter, if you do not feel comfortable reading such information, please skip to the end of this chapter and read the part in bold there. - Author~sama

I saw Akaashi sink to the floor, tears slowly dripping down his distraught face.

What's going on?

I rushed over and started to comfort him, but it didn't look like it was working.

We sat there for a while, waving off anyone who asked if he was okay.

It was a few more minutes before his breathing evened out, tears still flowing down his face. I steadily helped him up and we slowly started to walk back to his house.

"Are you okay? Wanna talk about it?" I asked comfortingly.

He shook his head.

Time Skip

We finally reached Akaashi's house and I waved goodbye. He had recovered a little but was still lost in thought.

I stood at the end of his garden and watched until he entered the house, just to make sure he got in okay.

I turned away from the house and sighed. It had gotten quite chilly and I didn't bring anything warm. I didn't want to go back home but it seems I have no choice.

I lied. I lied to Akaashi. I told him that my dad had stopped. But he hasn't. It's just... after what happened last time, I don't want to get him involved in my shit again.

The walk back home was cold. Cold yet soothing. I hadn't even noticed that it had started raining. There was something strange about it. Like it was trying to tell me something.

I shook it off and told myself that I was probably tired. I stepped onto my driveway and breathed slowly, mentally and physically preparing myself for what was to come.

Click! The door unlocked. I opened it slowly. Creak! It was pitch black. Blinds closed. Lights off. I was confused, my father normally had the lights on 24/7.

The only thing that remained the same, was the acrid smell of alcohol.

I relaxed, assuming he had gone to bed.

Suddenly, I caught a whiff of a smell that was neither alcohol nor cigarette smoke.

It was tangy with a pungent smell of iron. I knew instantly what it was. I rushed into the kitchen.

Blood! Blood everywhere! And in the middle of it... was my step-father. I eyed the body in shock. I noticed the gleam of something in his hand.

A knife! (NO!)

Had he... had he killed himself?

I quickly pulled out my phone from my pocket and called the ambulance.

They were here within minutes, rushing around me.

They were all saying 'sorry love' and 'he's in peace now', but I felt no sadness. I mean, how could I, after everything he had done?

I climbed the stairs. I wanted to see his room. I was never allowed in there.

As I went to open the door, I noticed it was jammed a little. He never did look after this house. I managed to push it open and was met with an unsurprising sight.

Empty cigarette packet and beer bottles were scattered everywhere. Clothes lay unwashed on the floor and draping out of drawers.

I looked towards the desk and saw a piece of paper.

I picked it up and read it. A suicide note?

Dear Bokuto,

I'm just going to start by saying I'm sorry. Sorry for everything. I know you will probably never forgive me,

He was right about that one.

But I want you to hear me out. I'm sorry for driving your mother away and all the abuse I gave you. I wasn't in the right state of mind to consider what I was doing.

Hah! You can say that again.

But one night, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was fully sober. And, as you probably know, I haven't been properly sober for years. It all hit me. Everything I had done to you and your mother. At first, I thought I would just apologise and promise to go to rehab. But then I realised you would never forgive me. And I couldn't live with that. So... I killed myself, hoping that you would forget about me and everything I did to you. So, this is goodbye.

Love Dad.

I stared in shock. A tear rolled down my cheek. But I wasn't sad. They were tears of pity.

I gently put the note back on the table. I left the room and pulled the door to. I sighed heavily and prepared myself to be taken into questioning.

For those of you who skipped this chapter for the reasons I stated at the start, all you need to know is that Bokuto's dad died and left a note to say that he was sorry for everything. Bokuto did not feel sad but did pity him.

Anyways, see you in the next chapter - Author~sama.

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