Chapter 10 - Akaashi

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I squished myself into the corner of the treehouse. The air was getting colder and I was starting to shiver.

I used to come here with Bokuto. We would sit here and cuddle. But before that, I would sit here with my best friend. Well, ex-best friend.

That's when I learnt I couldn't let people in. Couldn't let people get to my heart. I told myself I would lock up my feelings.

That was until Bokuto came along. I felt drawn to him. I needed him.

But then this happened. And I remembered the moment you start to believe they care, you find out they don't in a matter of seconds.

I sighed to myself. I didn't want to go home yet. It's not like my parents will be 'worried sick'.

The soft breeze on my cheek was comforting. I could feel myself drifting into sleep. Just as my eyes were closing I heard a - CREEK!

I shot up. Someone was climbing up the ladder. I had left the hatch unlocked as this place wasn't easy to find. I looked out of the small window. Too hight to jump.

Then, I saw a tuft of grey and black hair. I relaxed and sunk back into the corner, my back facing the entrance. I had no intention of speaking with Bokuto.

"Akaashi!?" I heard his voice cry out. "It's me, Bokuto. Can we talk? I need to ask you something!"

I didn't answer. He was going to find me if he climbed the rest of the way up anyway.

Once he reached the top, I could feel his eyes boring into me. His footsteps made their way over to me, but I refused to turn around.

By now, my shivers could be seen. I was shaking a lot. Something warm encased my back and shoulders. I turned around to find Bokuto's jacket over me.

I looked up into his eyes (I originally put yees XD) And I fell in love all over again. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't lock my feelings away from him.

Bokuto staired apologetically at me. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked.

I immediately knew what he meant. And I was relieved that he finally understood what I was upset about. I nodded my head.

He sat down in front of me. I released myself from the ball I was in and leant against the wall.

Then... I released my emotions. I finally opened up. Something I had only ever done once before. And, to be honest, it felt good.

After explaining all that had been going on in my life, I sat there and cried. After a while, I remembered how much I missed being in Bokuto's arms and practically threw myself at him. I had forgotten all about today's events.

This is how it is meant to be.

Everything is fine.

Nothing can get in the way of me having a smooth relationship again - I hope...

To be continued...

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