Chapter 1: Expelled? Duel Monsters?

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Harry turns and runs.

"Stop him!" Voldemort yells.

Quirrell snaps his fingers and fire erupts all around the room. Harry realizes that he is well and truly stuck.

"Don't be a fool! Why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and live?!" The Dark Wizard roars.

Harry shakes his head.


"Haha. Bravery. it was something your parents had and look where it got them, dead by my hand! Tell me, Harry, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back."

In the mirror, Harry's parents faces appear.

"All I ask for is something in return."

Harry takes the stone from his pocket.

"That's it, Harry. There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. Together, we'll do extraordinary things, just give me the stone!"

The image of his parents in the mirror vanish as Harry steels his resolve.

"You liar!" he yells.

"Kill him!" Voldemort orders.

And that is when things started going haywire.

In an alternate universe, Quirrel would have leapt at the young Boy-Who-Lived in order to retrieve the Philosophers Stone. Harry's Mothers Blessing would have then burned the dark wizard to ashes and Voldemort would have then escaped. The power he used taking its toll, Harry would then collapse and the Great and Mighty Albus Dumbledore would come a few minutes late and rescue Harry. Taking the stone and supposedly destroy it in order to prevent a repeat of what had just occurred.

But, as I said, that would have been in an alternate universe.

In this one, things are a bit different. In this one, something strange happens and unfortunately for Harry, he fell unconscious before anything happened but the last things he heard was screaming, probably from Quirrel.

Harry woke up with a groan. Looking up, he saw that he was in Hospital Wing with Dumbledore looking down at him sadly.

"Uh, Hello Professor." Harry greeted tiredly. Goodness, he was still feeling really drowsy.

"Morning to you too my boy." Dumbledore replied sweetly, his eyes twinkling like usual, but held no happiness in them. Harry was about to say something but Dumbledore cut him off.

"Before you say it, the philosophers stone has been destroyed so no worries."

"Um, that's not what I wanted to say sir." Harry said nervously.


"What I wanted to ask was why are you sad sir? Your eyes normally look more happy." Harry asked curiously.

"Ah yes," Dumbledore sighed. "When I found you with Professor Quirrel, you were unconscious and Quirrel..."Dumbledore paused, as if he wanted to refrain what happened.

"I found Quirrel's body, though your too young to know the cause."

"What? Why?" Harry asked. He wanted to know.

"I doubt you'd be able to handle it." Dumbledore said. "Let's just say it was quite messy." 

After hearing Harry's silence, the old professor continued.

"Seeing this, I decided to inform the Ministry of Magic of what had happened. That was one of my greatest errors." Dumbledore said, sadness and regret practically rolling off of him.

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