"Okay campers," Chris announced, clapping loudly. "Your next challenge begins in ten minutes. And be prepared to bring it!" Chris walked the group to the beach, with Duncan trailing behind them, where they had set up a makeshift dodgeball court. He collapsed on a wooden bench as soon as he entered.

"Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you do." He immediately fell asleep.

"Corrine," Courtney said. "You go sleep too, you look terrible and would only hurt us." She agreed and quickly fell asleep, leaning up against the referee seat. Courtney turned to Harold.

"This is all your fault you know. You and your snoring face!."

"It's called a medical condition, gosh!" He scoffed. Chef blew the whistle and walked past the campers, rolling his eyes

"Today's challenge is the classic game of Dodgeball," Chris explained. "The first rule of Dodgeball is-"
"Do not talk about Dodgeball?" Noah interrupted, getting a laugh out of Owen.

"As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball..." He threw it at Courtney, hitting her in the stomach. She let out a breath and a loud 'ow'.

"You're out." Courtney began to complain, throwing the ball back at him, which he caught.

"If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court."

"Throwing balls. Gee, another mentally challenging test." Noah said sarcastically. Lindsay clearly didn't understand as she agreed with him sincerely. Chris threw a ball to Geoff.

"Okay now Geoff, try to hit me." Chef handed him another ball. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball, but if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out."

"So what do I do again when the ball comes at me?" Lindsay asked.

"You dodge." Geoff throws the ball at Chris, only for him to deflect it, hitting Lindsay in the face. She collapsed onto the ground and everyone gasped.

"Ooh! You were supposed to dodge!" Chris yelled at her. She stood up with a large welt on her face and nodded.

"You have one minute until game time. Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game."

"Okay," Heather said. "We can't get lazy. The Killer Bass are gonna be trying extra hard to catch up. Who wants to sit the first one out with sleeping beauty?" She asked as Gwen let out a yawn.

"Oh all right, I'll volunteer." Noah offered, walking to the benches. "Now let's see all you keeners get out and dodge!" he cheered, throwing out finger guns. The teams quickly got on their sides of the court and Chef, who was ref, waited for them.

"Bring it on, fishies. Otherwise, winning three times in a row just won't be as satisfying." Heather smack talked. Tyler tried to talk back but ended up failing, embarrassing the group.

"Both teams ready?" They quickly got into position. "Best of five games wins! Now! Let's dodge some ball!" Chef blew his whistle and everyone began to cheer their teams on. Cody was the first person to throw his ball missing Tyler just barely. Tyler turned and glared at Cody, spinning violently then releasing the ball, hitting Sadie, who was in the stands. She collapsed on the ground and everyone turned to glare at Tyler.

"Nice job," Courtney said sarcastically. "Now let's see if you can hit someone on their team!" She yelled, getting progressively angrier as she shoved the ball into Tyler's arms. Suddenly, Owen came charging at him, throwing the ball with all his might and sending Tyler into the glass wall of the court.

"Ow, darn it" He groaned, clutching his stomach. The Gophers were given their point and they cheered loudly; Tyler sat down on the benches, still clearly in pain. It was Harold who came in after him.

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