ch.2 - tackle hug

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"Dream....where are we?" Nightmare asked as he looked around. In front of him was a huge mansion, and around them was forest. Beautiful forest in Nightmare's option.

"This is our hideout! Come on now brother!" Dream dragged Nightmare by his hand inside the mansion. Nightmare looked around, and he has to say he doesn't have any idea what some things inside the house do. Like that weird box thingy that was showing different colors.

"Dream. What's that?" Nightmare asked, his eyes full of curiosity.

"That's a TV Nightmare." Dream said as he walked over to get the remote and shut down the TV. He walked back to Nightmare and took his hand again, beginning to drag Nightmare towards the kitchen. The brothers could hear two voices talking in the kitchen, and that's when Nightmare decided to chicken out.

"D-Dream. T-This w-was a big m-mistake. I-I c-changed m-my mind." Nightmare wishpered to Dream, trying to walk towards the direction they came from. But Dream was determined to continue on, so he dragged Nightmare towards the kitchen doors. Dream knew by Nightmare's stuttering that he was nervous, witch Dream could understand, but it was too late to turn back now in Dream's option.
Dream opened the kitchen doors, drawing the two skeletons, Ink's and Blue's, attention to the guardian. Well, both of guardians, but Nightmare was succesfully hiding behind Dream.

"Hi Dream!! Where were you?!" Blue yelled like always, making the poor guardian of negativity behind Dream flinch.

"In Dreamtale." Dream answered, full well kmowing the question Ink would be about to ask.

"Again?" There it is. Sorry Nighty but now it's your time to shine.

"Yea. I have someone I would like you to meet." Dream said as he looked back at his little brother. Dream patiently smiled at Nightmare, knowing that forcefully making Nightmare come out behind himself would only make Nightmare panic.

At this point Ink and Blue were confiused. Who would Dream want them to meet? And where were they?
Nightmare looked into Dream's eyes, smiling back and peeking out behind Dream, still a bit unsure if he should show himself fully.

"You can do it Nightmare! Just take your time." Dream praised Nightmare, fully well aware that would help his little brother a bit. And in no time Nightmare was standing besides Dream. Still not looking directly at Ink or Blue.

"Ink, Blue, this is my twin brother Nightmare. Nightmare, these two are Ink and Blue, you can probably guess witch one is witch." Dream introcuded them to each other as Nightmare was still looking at the ground while playing with his shirt sleeves to distract himself a bit.

"H-hi..." Nightmare whispered, barely being heard by the others. There was a couple seconds of silence until Blue jumped, yes, jumped, on Nightmare, tackling the slightly smaller into the ground.

"Eep!" Startled by the bandana wearing skeleton's actions Nightmare was able to let out that high pitched sound, witch Dream is pretty sure was the loudest voice Dream has ever heard Nightmare let out.

Dream....your brother is adorableWhere stories live. Discover now