Chapter 2

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"Next person up please!"

As I walk up to the person checking the passports, the person recognises me.

"Oh hello! Aren't you Deku?" the blonde airline checker asks excitedly. I answer the question as I give her my passport "Yeah. Yes I am.", "She seems very energetic." I think to myself.

"Wow! I can't believe I am meeting you here! I am such a fan!" she exclaims while scanning the passport, "Why are you here?".

"W-well," I quietly respond, "after the death of my mother, U.A thought that I needed a break and so I wanted to spend this break by having a holiday, y'know."

"Oh," her smile suddenly faltered, "yeah I didn't really want to mention your loss but..."

"I-It's fine." I quickly shout, "N-no, really! I really appreciate talking to someone about this!-"

"Look." the woman suddenly cuts me off, "Keep your chin up, when you lose someone you love, it hurts. Always. All you can do is just move on... and keep on moving!" She adds with full enthusiasm. I get goosebumps from the sentence, "Keep your chin up."

"You know... You're right." I acknowledge her words, "I will keep moving on. T-thanks!"

"No," she interrupts, "thank you for being a hero."

She finishes scanning my passport and hands it back to me, "Have a good holiday!"

"You too!" I confidently respond.

She laughs and waves goodbye to me. I wave back. As I walk towards to the waiting centre, I suddenly remembered what I said to her.

"You're so stupid, Izuku!" I declare myself as I facepalm.

Hours later.

Finally, after the 12 hour long flight, I walk off the plane and soon walk in the airport. It seems so different to the airport in Japan. I decide to explore the place, the interior is bright white, there are many shops and stores. I also notice the people act and dress more differently than the people in my home country. I look to my left and see a group of boys wear shirts with fruits imprinted on them, baggy pants and caps. On my right, I see a group of girls wearing tied up shirts, short shorts and oversized jumpers. I keep looking around until my exploration is interrupted by the loud sound of growling in my stomach.

"Damn." I mutter, "Maybe there's something to eat around here."

I walk into the food court and look around to see what I could eat, most of the food brands I don't even recognise. I mean what the hell is Subway? Isn't that like another name for... train? I might as well try it out.

"Hello sir!" the employee greets, "What would you like?"

"Um..." I hesitate, "I mean, I come from a foreign country so I really don't know. Can you recommend me anything?"

"Well..." the brown haired person thinks for a moment, "It is morning, so you should probably get the egg and ham!"

"Sure! I'll have that!" I respond.

"That will be 7 dollars sir!" he says smiling.

Minutes later.

After waiting for a fairly long time, a waiter places the food on the table "Here you go, sir!" What I see is a very long sandwich, and I make a shocking revelation.

"Oh my god, I think I know why the brand is called Subway, their food is long it could be compared to a subway. Wow, how did I not realise that, maybe I should make a food brand myself inspired by this but except it's-" "Hey! Can you quiet down please?"

I turn around to see a father with his family staring at me.

"O-oh, s-sorry." I stutter. I was so embarrassed.

After eating my food, I decide to take a taxi to my new home, Melbourne. While the taxi driver attempts to start the car, I suddenly get startled by the loud notification sound effects from my phone. I look at my phone and realise that I have received many worrying messages.

"Deku, where are you?!!!!"
"Midoriya, why did you disappear?"

Oh god, they already know that I'm missing? Oh crap!

After a little bit of time, I calm down and just ignore the messages.

Minutes before, in the U.A

"Jirou, can you check on Midoriya please?" Aizawa asks me.

"Sure." I agreed.

It has been weeks since Midoriya's mother death, I feel so much remorse and grief for Midoriya. He doesn't deserve this, he never did anything wrong in his life, but he still suffers the most out of all of us. He breaks his arm every time he uses his quirk, he gets rejected by his crush, Uraraka and now... he suffers the loss of his mother. HIS MOTHER. No child has to suffer that in such an early age, and yet... He does.

As I get nearer to his dorm room, I get more teared up every step I take. I remember the first time I tried to talk to him since the funeral.


I knock on his door.

"Midoriya, Aizawa told me to check on you. So..." I explain through the door.

Suddenly, but slowly, the door opens.

Midoriya looks horrible. His eyes look more baggy than Sensei's, and he looks like he just cried a river.

"Hey Jirou" Izuku greets.

"God, are you okay?" I ask, shocked, "You look horrible."

"Yeah, I'm fine." he answers with a rough voice.

"No you're not." I whisper back.

"I'm fine." he repeats himself except with more force. He tries to close the door but I'm too quick for him.


I hug him and he freezes. "J-Jirou?"  he stutters.

"You haven't left your room in days, Midoriya." I say, sobbing, "We all miss you, we try to get you out but you won't budge. I'm here for you, we are all here for you. Please Midoriya...

Please try to keep your head up."


I shudder at the flashback, and knock on Midoriya's door. No response. I knock on his door again.

No response.

"Screw it." I say to myself, "I'll just break in.", and I use my earphone jacks to lockpick his doorknob. I break in and...

He's not there.

I look everywhere in his room, in his bed, in his closet, everywhere. There are a couple things that I notice, one, he's gone, second, everything's gone except his All Might merch. I run back to the classroom.

"Guys!" I shout, puffing and sweating.

"He's gone."

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