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"So...when does this thing pop up again? Sunrise?" Yunho asks with a yawn.

Jongho nods continuing to look out at the waters below, "Aye, most of the time, sometimes in the middle of the night. Honestly, no one kept track."

Hongjoong plays with Iridessa's hair as she rests her head on his lap, "In that case, we must all stay awake. Stay alert everyone."

Everyone replies with a tired, "Aye, aye, captain."

"Except you, my love, you can rest your tired eyes all night!~" Hongjoong tells Iridessa with a cute smile making her giggle.

"Hey! No fair you're letting Dessa sleep but not us!!" Mingi immediately complains.

"God, love birds..." Yeosang says with a gag.

Iridessa turns her my head and looks over to them, "Oh hush you two! I'm not sleeping any time soon! I'm staying awake for Jongho's treasure!"

That's what they were all doing. Staying awake into ungodly hours for Jongho's treasure. The crew is seated on the deck floor while Jongho stood by the ship's rail to look out. His treasure, he's trying to bring Honor. In order for him to do that, he has to be the one to kill a sea creature that's been causing curses and trouble across his land. Once he restores his family's honor, his family can finally live peacefully.

Jongho could've actually settled this business years ago when he first joined the pirate crew. However, Hongjoong didn't let him.


[Jongho's POV]

I sighed frustrated at my captain in front of me. He said yes to everyone's treasure but mine.

His reason? "You're not ready for that yet," he tells me.

How can I not be ready for it? I've been ready to fulfill it for almost a year now! Ever since my family and I played in the ancient caves by the cove and read a spell on the cave's wall while exploring, we accidentally awakened the Orkiathan from the waters. He doesn't know of the sleepless nights we went through feeling the ground shake, thinking it's an earthquake when it's the creature stomping around on our island. The public humiliation my parents, younger brother and I experienced whenever we'd walk through the town to carry out simple errands.

People have tried to kill it and send it back in the waters but it was too strong. Everyone discovered that the only one that could do the job is my family and I.

"They're right. It's our fault for bringing it out, it's only right we be the ones to send it back." My father told all of us at the dinner table.

"No, I'll do it." I didn't hesitate to volunteer.

My brother is young and I'd rather not lose both my parents. I knew if it's anyone from this family that will kill that beast, it's gonna have to be me. My parents were against it at first but seeing as we have no other options, they agreed.

I knew that I couldn't defeat it on my own, I needed help from people who were more experienced than me at taking on sea creatures. I knew I needed help from pirates. Lucky for me, I recently joined the ATEEZ crew as the 8th member. At first, I joined out of debt, after the quartermaster and captain saved me from a few angry townspeople who tried to spring a deadly attack on me one day. I felt indebted to them at the time so I joined their crew. Now, I had a new reason.

I told Hongjoong of my situation but he immediately said no. Every time I confronted him about it, he told me I wasn't ready and the answer was always no. He never even allowed me to try and face it myself.

𝓕𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓣𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 2: 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑃𝑎𝑠𝑡 (ateez)Where stories live. Discover now