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Sounds of conversation and laughter fill the air of the tavern as everyone enters inside its alcoholic fragranced interior.

"Everyone, find a table, Wooyoung, follow me." the captain orders them before they split.

The ATEEZ crew isn't here for fun and they aren't here to stay either. Tonight they plan on fulfilling Wooyoung's treasure. It isn't an easy one, but if this all works out, it can be. San points to a big empty table and they all take their seats there as they watch Wooyoung and Hongjoong take their seats at the bar. They're going to talk to the bartender there. There are many people here, mostly raggedy and suspicious-looking men. Out of all of them here, they're looking for one in particular. This man has the information they need to get them started on the path to Wooyoung's treasure.

"You guys think that Felix guy is here?" Jongho asks them all in a low voice to avoid being heard.

Seonghwa nods, "This is supposed to be his place to drink. He should be here, but we don't know what he looks like. The bartender knows all who enter here so that's why Hongjoong and Wooyoung are gonna talk to him. Hopefully, he'll want to cooperate."

"And, this Felix character is supposed to know where Wooyoung's father is?" Iridessa asks next.

"Supposedly. Just remember the ultimate plan. When we catch Wooyoung's father, we're gonna bring him back to Wooyoung's homeland and turn him in. He's safe here, but he's wanted where Wooyoung is from." San explains and she nods her head.

Wooyoung wants to bring his father to justice. That's his treasure. That's why they're here. That's why he joined the ATEEZ crew as the 7th member years ago.


[Wooyoung's POV]

I smiled and placed my hands on my mother's shoulders, looking down at her embroidery hoop artwork.

"It's beautiful, mother! Is that you and me?" I asked her.

She looked up at me with a happy smile and nodded, "Yes, son! Do you like it? I've been working on this all week, but I think I'm almost finished it."

She pulled the needle from the other side of the white fabric then stops when the tan-colored string unwraps itself from the needle's tiny hole. Mother pouted seeing that she's used all the string and she stopped rocking in her rocking chair.

"Wooyoung, dear, can you go up to the attic and get me more tan-colored string? It should be in that big chest with the rest of my embroidery supplies."

"Yes mother!~ I'll be back!" I told her cutely then hurried to the steps that go up to the attic.

When I arrived, I held up the lantern I brought and began searching the room with its warm and bright light. I found the chest my mother described and I immediately bent down to open it. With the lantern, I searched for the string she needed within the various bundles of strings in a rainbow of colors. Once I found it, I took it out, closed the chest, and made my way out of the attic.

(A/n: Domestic Abuse warning! I'll let you know when it's safe again ^^)

As I came down the steps I heard the sound of my father talking to my mother. He must have just come home while I was upstairs.

"Waissting your time sewing up sshit again, aren't we, Vanessa?" he slurred. I knew from that, he was out drinking again.

𝓕𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓣𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 2: 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑃𝑎𝑠𝑡 (ateez)Where stories live. Discover now