A Council Meeting

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As I was walking to the meeting I noticed a certain Prince. I was still upset about the night of the fight but, I have to admit his plan wasn't that bad. Had weak parts but wasn't horrible. He noticed me and nodded as if saying 'good job' from afar.

I walked into the big house and was about to start the meeting until Alpha and Sigma walked in talking with a familiar Son of Hades.

"Nice of you guys to join us. If you don't mind we will start. Please take your seats." I said with a little distaste. Either they didn't care or notice.

"Alright. First off, the battle was only the first in a war. We will need to be prepared for the next battle. Thankfully, Alpha and the army have started the training with all the campers. Would you like to inform us of the progress?"

He stood and looked at Sigma. "Dude, I have been unconscious for the last 5 days. I have no idea yet." He said sarcastically. This caused a laugh from everyone including Alpha.

Alpha started to talk about the progress but I couldn't help but notice that Sigma was so much like Percy. From the story, he healed Nico before even thinking, knowing that he would pass out. He seemed distracted as well, like he was thinking about something that would test him yet again.

As Alpha finished I stood up again and spoke. "Thank you, we now know what to work on and with the help of Sigma we shall succeed against this enemy. Unless he has something to add."

He looked up and met my eyes. He seemed angry but you could tell he was very good at hiding it. "Is there something you would like to say Chase?" He spoke with a calm voice slowly rising from his chair.

I was angry so what happened next was completely my fault. "Well, you seem distracted like this is nothing to you." His mask started slipping "I'm sorry, but I have been through thousands of conflicts and battles across the galaxy and you claim that I don't seem to care. Let me propose this conflict to you-" Alpha started to stand and try to speak but Sigma beat him to it. "-save a good friend and pass out in the process for 5 days or let him die and then choose to blame yourself. I know what I did made you mad but, don't go around judging my loyalty."

With that he left and Alpha stared out after him. After a minute he turned and spoke. "I know he seemed far away but he is completely loyal to a mission and everything that it includes. Remember, the warning that Chaos gave. Don't make him really mad." He left and I dismissed the councilors.

I noticed one stayed behind. Nico was standing across the room with his arms crossed with the same look I got 300 years ago. I sighed. "I know. I know. What I said was wrong but necessary. He is hiding something and I want to know what it is."

He shook his head as if disapproving this thought. "Then maybe you should ask nicely." He said sarcastically and then left the room.

I sat back down and after about an hour of this I heard a horn signaling dinner. I headed towards the pavilion and sat with my table mates and noticed that the prince was absent.


I was sitting on the beach after the meeting, trying and failing to calm down. I was staring out at the water until I heard a noise behind me. I turned and saw the one person I didn't want to. "What do you want? Come to accuse me of something else."

She sat next to me and started talking. "Look, I just came to say sorry. That was uncalled for and I know I crossed a line." She didn't meet my eyes this time. I was at a loss for words.

"I know that you don't trust me. You haven't trusted for a long time. Sure you can trust a little with very few people but you never truly trust."

She finally met my eyes and I gave a quick smile and noticed she was messing with the ring on her necklace. She noticed and said "It is the ring Percy was going to propose with. I have kept it for 300 years and it still doesn't hurt any less. Knowing that I caused him to leave and never come back." She stopped, and looked at me. As if noting that she just spilled a secret to a complete stranger in her point of view.

"Sorry, guess he told you the story. Surprised you could stand me that long without snapping." I gave a small laugh and she smiled a little. The tension started to melt between us.

"Percy told me the story but I can clearly see that you have no feelings for Hunter. Could I ask you a question?" She nodded. "Why kiss him if you didn't love him the way that you loved Percy?"

"I don't know. He left for 7 months and there was no word from him. Percy being Percy, I wasn't sure if he was alive or gone for good. Hunter started to comfort me and when he kissed me, I was so unhappy but then Percy came out and completely looked betrayed and I tried to justify it but I knew deep down that I love Percy and would never treat him like that. I didn't realize that until it was too late. He was gone." She finished with tears on her eyes and quickly wiped them away.

"Sorry. I guess you wouldn't care about that." I gave her a sympathy smile and said "Percy talked about you when we met. He only mentioned the bad once and any other time he spoke of the love he shared with you. He was still in love with you when he died."

She met my eyes again and then stared back at the ocean. I joined her and we sat in silence until she asked. "Why did I tell you all this? I mean we aren't best friends but we don't seem to hate each other. We are practically strangers."

"Sometimes it is easier to talk to a stranger then someone you know because they will give you the truth." Our eyes met again and then we sat and talked to each other for what seemed like hours.

After, we walked through the woods back towards the camp and finally split ways. Me heading to my cabin and she headed towards hers. I walked into the cabin and finally dropped the disguise. Luke looked at me with a confused look. I shook it off and headed towards my room.

I flopped into my bed and drifted towards sleep. Little did I know that I would be met with another conversation with my Uncle.


Hello readers. I hope you like the latest chapter and don't forget to comment.

I feel more refreshed and ready to write after my break. Please comment on the last Authors note. I like to read the comments and they make me more motivated to write.

Anyway, the next Trivia question is.... In what book did Kronos rise in?

The answer to the previous question is one of my favorite lines..... Why?

Anyway. I will be back on Thursday with the next chapter. Remember none of the characters belong to me and any similarities are completely unintentional.


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