What's a soulmate?

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I believe.

Too much words from someone who can't keep himself alive. Why can I tell what a soulmate anyways? Maybe I did met them. Probably. But who?


How could I been so stupid?

Someone who said that a soulmate is someone who you can depend on?

It is me who said it.

A friend to a lover?

It is also me.

A childhood friend?

It is also me.

Dazai is the only one who I really care about. Probably the only one.

What happened to him now? Is his porcelain body is covered with thorns? Is he dead now?  Maybe he committed double suicide. Who knows?

Maybe he decided to live. Experience a life that I would never see anymore. Maybe travel the world and find a Happy thing to do.

Or probably, knowing Dazai, try to commit suicide or attempt it even more. Eventually, not thinking because his life have no purpose.

I am just here. Waiting for death to deliver me in the depths of hell. Darkness surrounds me, not knowing where is it. Maybe I would be able to see even the faint light from afar.

I tried to move but I can't. Or maybe I can't tell it anyways. I can't feel my body. It is like my conciousness is just walking and walking around. Not knowing what to do.


I don't know how long it has been. Minutes? Hours? Days? Maybe it is already my burial. We may never know.


It feels like a dreamless sleep. The times when you just hope that you won't have a dream than have a nightmare.


It has been a time now. I can hear someone's voice. A familiar voice. Very familiar like I knew it since birth.

"Please wake up."

Am I still dreaming? That voice is Dazai's. Maybe he is crying at my coffin
Right now.

Why do I even embrace death? Suicidal bastard have influenced me too much. Maybe I am still Alive?


"Please wake up, Chuuya"

Dazai's voice echoed in my ear. Repeating itself like hell alongside with

Thorns. Death. Double suicide. Never see. No purpose. Dreamless sleep.

Words such as this echoed in my mind non-stop. I want it to cease but no use. The only thing I can do is.. close my eyes and I can see the brightness crawl it's way towards me.
I opened my eyes, expecting the darkness that once consumed me but no. All I can see is a white room and Dazai's sleeping figure, holding my hand. It is all just a dream. Gladly.

Thorns. A Soukoku Au.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat