Bringing the cast

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Today Queen Historia Reiss was having a meeting with the Scouts about the discovery about Grisha's diary about a new world. Suddenly a spooky cloak phantom like appeared in the middle of the meeting room.

Eren was a bit shocked at the phantom. His body on full alert.

Levi and Mikasa instantly went for the kill. Levi aim for the neck and Mikasa aim for the head however they just went right the phantom.

"What the hell" Levi ask quite shocked as Mikasa try to take another swipe at the phantom but again the blade still didn't pierce it.

Jean and Connie took out their riffles and started shooting at the phantom but had the shock of their lives when the phantom rise into the air dodging the bullets with a scary laugh.

Sasha try to use her bows and arrows but the arrows either went through the or was dodge by the phantom.

"Eren stay back and protect the queen. Everyone else work together and attack the phantom all at once it must have weakness  somewhere" commanded Levi.

Just after those words everyone  spring into action. Levi and Mikasa fought close range with their blades trying to find a weak spot to cut the phantom down. Jean, Connie, Sasha, and Armin provided long range support with their weapons aiming at different parts of the phantom's body for a weak spot.

The phantom just kept dodging or phasing through everyone always on defense but never offense but it look like the mysterious phantom wasn't even trying!

Eren seeing that they were getting nowhere join the fight using his swords to try and harm the phantom, also trying to find weaknesses. 

The fight went on for an hour and yet they still couldn't pierce it or find any weaknesses. Connie howled in frustration at the phantom  getting irritated by the second. The phantom let out a creepy laugh as if amuse by Connie's reaction.

Jean growled "the hell is this thing, its nothing like we ever face before!" Jean scream as he aim a shot at phantom head however the bullet just bounced off the phantom.

Suddenly the phantom once again flew into the middle of the room push its arm out and sent everyone flying away.

Eren's body landed on Levi somehow, and got the air knocked out of him. Levi gasp for air when Eren's body landed on him. 

Mikasa caught Jean and Armin while glaring at the phantom using her 3DMG to put distance between them. Armin seeing they were getting nowhere try a different approach.

"What do you want from us" Armin ask the phantom.

"To take your souls to the pits of hell" the phantom said with the most evil voice they ever heard, scaring them to the core.

Levi growled at it, " Your not having them!" he yelled in anger, narrowing his eyes, as he raised body up to stand up.

"Oh, but I think I will" the phantom reply darkly as it raise its hands up closing and locking all the exist. Historia shock ran to one of the doors and tried to open it "The doors are lock!" she screams. Sasha use one of her arrows to try to break open a window but the phantom just brush the arrow away.

In a blink Mikasa and Levi went to two different windows to cut open but phantom anticipating this levitates both of them to a chair making them unable to move.

Sasha, Connie, and Jean dash off toward their comrades with the intent to help them but they too get levitated and trap in a chair.

Mikasa turn to Eren and Armin "Armin take Eren and get out of here!!"she screams worried more about them than herself. Armin turn his attention to Mikasa "We won't leave you behind Mikasa and even if we did where are we suppose to go we're trap!" Armin replies back trying to keep himself from panicking.

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