Chapter Two

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It was the next day, I was quietly sleeping in my room, which was next to Alice's. My room had a queen sized bed, a couple of wardrobes, a mirror, a table with a chair, and dozens of books which were all stocked in a large bookshelf. Though as I peacefully slept, Alice barged into my room and started yelling.

"Come on Y/N! Today we're visiting Wonderland! You have to get ready!" She walks toward the side of the bed I was sleeping on and begins to shake me awake.

"I'm awake. Just, get out and I'll start getting ready," I say yawning, still not really ready to get up.

Alice walks toward the door, but before she left she looked over at me again and said, "You'll love it there."

I groan and stand up, thinking of what I could wear to this so called Wonderland. Walking toward the closet, I think of my f/c (favorite color) dress, it reached about the middle of my calf, and was probably the most comfortable dress I owned. With socks and a some boots, I would definitely be ready for anything. I prepare my clothing, and quickly put everything on. Then I start with the hair, I brush my soft h/c (hair color) hair, and decide to put it into a braid. After a couple of minutes of fighting with my hair, I finished. I looked at myself in the mirror, and sigh, taking in what would happen today. I leave my room and walk towards Alice's room, and knock on the door.

Alice opens the door, with a big smile on her face, "Are you ready?"

Alice had on a light blue dress that was only a few inches from the floor. Her hair was loose, and she overall looked really nice.

I nod, "So do we fly to Wonderland? Does a magician pop up and cast a spell for us to get there?"

"No, we start with a carriage, then we go down a rabbit hole," Alice grabs my wrist, and we quickly get out of the house.

Outside, there was a carriage which was being pulled by two brown horses. Alice pushed me inside, and she then sat next to me.

"So, do these people in Wonderland know I'm visiting?" I ask with a sarcastic look on my face.

"They don't even know you exist Y/N, they'll probably be scared of you at first," Alice looked out of the window, with a blank expression on her face.

"Why would they be? I'm not threatening!" I say crossing my arms.

"Just stay calm, and they'll warm up to you. I'm sure you'll end up becoming friends." Alice looked back at me and gave me a warm smile.

After about an hour, we arrive. Alice immediately grabs my wrist again and leads me toward a tree with a hole.

"Get in the hole," Alice says.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I ask, very concerned about what could happen.

Alice nods, I get closer to the hole, and slowly go in, and before I know it, it seems like I'm falling into the abyss.

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