three; perfection

Start from the beginning

"We don't need to sit together all the time do we?" From the looks on all of her friends faces, they didn't believe a word of Charlotte's question, "Fine, we had a little falling out."

"Over what?" Jess and Bella's faces immediately turned to stone. A-ma-zing.

"He kissed a girl."

"Did he like it?" Angela questioned with a smile.

"Yes. I think he loved it." Charlotte couldn't help but burst out laughing at Angela's question. She knew she kept her around for a reason.

"Who was it?" Jess didn't find the joke funny, she was rather annoyed at the piece of information.

"A family friend. I didn't really ask any questions...." In fact, Charlotte wished she had asked less questions, "I just don't want to know anything more about it than I already do." No harm in telling little white lies, right?

"Why?" Bella fired the question at Charlotte as quick as she could.

"I just don't, Bella. If you are so interested in what the promiscuous Cullen gets up to in his free time, why don't you ask him? " Charlotte cupped a hand around her mouth, "Edward!"

"Is that how you use the word promiscuous?" Mike questioned as all eyes turned to Edward.

The vampire had just walked into the hall with Jasper and Alice. They had all been making their way to where the others sat until Charlotte shouted Edward over and of course Alice and Jasper had to come with.

Aw, need them to hold your hand? Charlotte though, knowing the boy could hear her.

"Isabella wants to ask you a few questions." Charlotte smiled at Edward as he sat down next to her, although she wished he didn't.

"She does?" Everyone knew Bella wouldn't actually ask him anything, she was confrontational to him once, and that once was enough to last her a life time.

"No... no she doesn't." Charlotte stifled a laugh at Bella's quiet voice, such a baby.

Charlotte was almost mad at Isabella's dismissal. Sure, she had forced her sister into the confrontation, but sometimes Bella did talk so much shit that it hurt. Charlotte just wanted her to put her money where her mouth is.

However, thanks to Bella,  Charlotte was now going to have to play nice with the family she was less than pleased with.

"I've decided to throw a party."

"After all, how many times are we gonna graduate high school?" Edward tried to hide his smile at the couple who were sat next to Angela.

"A party? At your place?" Angela was shocked, no one had ever been to the Cullen house

"I've never seen your house."

"No ones ever seen their house." It seemed both Eric and Jess were excited.

"Hello? I've probably seen their house more than they've seen their house." Charlotte pointed a finger at herself.

"Another party, Alice?"

"It'll be fun."

"Oh yes, because the last one was a barrel of laughs, Alice."

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