chapter 9

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"Tomorrow do you want to met up with me here or at the park" Niko asked "the park i guess" ok uh Ryako i have to go do a few things Niko said taking the brace off his ankel healed he walked to his closet and soon returned in a hoodie of his own and pants his wings were showing as he had this hoodie customized for this form his wings were folded and down "my wings are gonna hurt for a while"Niko mumbled then walked to Ryako "hey is there anyone you wanna kill?" Niko said something seemed different "kinda but i dont have much info on them" Ryako said "who?" Niko said his eyes becoming cat like the puple slit "whoever it is that killed you" Ryako said "oh well that will be fun anyway you shoul head home and get a shower and changed" Niko said holding out Ryakos hoodie Ryako grabbed it and put it on he then grabbed Niko by the chin "Dont kill wothout me" Ryako said "fine but someone will die tomorrow i need the flesh and blood for something" Ryako took a step back "what kind of dragon are you?" Ryako asked Niko looked Ryako in the eyes and smiled "a assassination dragon" Niko said Ryako sighed "so you can kill easily on this form?" Ryako asked "No not exactly but i can handle the smell of blood better i mean if i wanted to i could kill woth no problem in my other form the only thing holding me back is the smell and something i holdon to but i guess thats both going to be gone soon"Niko said and put his shoes on Ryako glared at Niko " so you have no problem with killing its just the smell and your fear of becoming like your parents" Ryako said Niko finished tieing his shoes he smiled "mostly the smell but" Niko walked to Ryako and wrapped his arms around Ryakos neck then leaned in "what i try to hold on to is already gone and i know this but i can't help but try to get back but once i can truly let that go the smell wont effect me id be able to kill freely" Niko whispers "what do you have to do that i can't come with" Ryako said changeing the subject not liking where it was going"i have to get a few thing and i just wanna be alone for a while i promise i wont kill anyone till im with you again" Niko said walking to his desk and grabbed his bag and put it on then put his hat on Niko tuched the clip in his hair and sighed "why do you always have that clip and why do you hide your left eye "Ryako said "the clip belonged to my older sister who died befor i ever met you and i hide my eye for reasons you will soon understand" Niko said and soon disappeared "well damn" Ryako said and went home to take a shower and just calmed down. Niko simply went out and got ingredients and then he went to one of his old homes "hey Mark" Niko said Mark looked at Niko "well hello Niko long time no see you here to let me kill you" Mark said Niko sighed "same as always i see well im simply here to get you i need you for something" Niko said and grabbed Mark "you might just serve who knows nah not really" Niko said laughing a little then teleported them to Nikos basment he grabbed a rag and put some chloroform on it and put it to Marks face and Mark passed out Niko chained him to a wall and wrapped a peace of cloth around his mouth as a gag Niko smiled then walked to his room he was unable to sleep he just sat there then around 12pm he called Ryako because he was bored but Ryako didn't answer he went to voice mail Niko sighed Ryako stared at his phone he didnt have a shirt on as he sometimes slept wothout a shirt "what was so important he had to wake me up...." Ryako mumbled then sent a test asking what he wanted bit Ryako was left on read Ryako sighed he got up and put a hoddie on then tied his shoes and left he stared to walk to Nikos house he sent a text saying he was on his way and all Niko did was leave him on red Niko jumped up when he read the message he then ran to his room as he was on the couch and hid under the covers once Ryako got there he noticed the door was unlocked and slightly open he sighed and walked in he closed the door and walked around the house then found Niko "there you are you little shit why did you have to wake me up!" Ryako said walking to Niko and grabbed the blanket but slipped and wound up ontop of Niko. Nikos hair wasn't in his eyes his left eye not being covered for the firt time his left eye which was normally covered was completely black with a blood red cat like pupil he didn't seem to even be able to see out of it and it almost looked like shadows were moving around in it was odd but he almost immediately closed it "i.... Im sorry" Niko mumbled out "shut up" Ryako said and kissed Niko on the  lips Niko froze but smiled as Ryako pulled away "i love you Niko" Ryako said smiling Niko softly smiled "i love you to" Niko said Ryako looked at Nikos left eye "could you...." Ryako said then put his hand on Nikos cheek and gently rubbed under Nikos left eye "open it ive always wanted to see it" Ryako said "no you will see it eventually just not now" Niko said Ryako sighed then got off Niko and sat next to him Niko sat up and fixed his hair to cover his eye "Niko how long do you plan to avoid your problem with killing" Ryako asked Niko glanced at Ryako then stared at the ground "Ryako i will be fine yah i mean the smells strong but i will be fine after all i gave up on holding onto the one thing that held me back so im gonna be fine but i do still need those antipsychotics its um hard to explain" Niko said he clenched his fist Ryako looked at Nikos hands "Niko what arnt you telling me?" Ryako asked "its nothing dont worry about it can we please talk about something else" Niko asked "yah sure so what do plan on doing tomorrow?"  Ryako asked "that a secret" Niko said smiling they then heard muffled screams and some kind of banging Nikos eyes nerrowed and he immediately stood up

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