chapter 7

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Once they got to the studio the first thing Niko looked at was the equipment "wow" Niko said Ryako smiled at Nikos excitement Courtney walkes up to them "is this him Ryako?" Courtney asked Niko almost immediately looked at her his ears were up "yah Courtney this is Niko Niko this is Courtney my producer" Ryako said "ok well mind coming with me and Ryako you just go get changed" Courtney said Niko walked to Courtney who then led him into another room where her partner is Niko felt like something was a bit off so he satyed on high alert Courtney closed and locked the door Niko glanced at her and watched as she walked to the table and sat next to her partner "So Niko why do you want this job?" Courtney said "Because its something i like to do" Niko said a few minutes pasted and they finished questioning Niko who refused to sit the entire time Courtney walked to the door and unlocked it and walked out Niko looked at Courtneys parener who hardly talked then walked out he went to the equipment he checked it the then sat down "was it my imagination or did they try to kill me?" Niko mumbled and soon after Ryako walked up to Niko "hey whats wrong you seem districted" Ryako asked Niko looked up at Ryako "its nothing just have a strange feeling hey uh how long and how well do you know Courtney" Niko said "well ive known her for about 6 years and i guess i dont know to much about her why do you ask?" Ryako said "No reason just curious" Niko said Ryako looked at Niko who seemed to be in pain his left hand over he bandages and his nose started to bleed a bit "oh ok and does the wound hurt you seem im pain and your nose is bleeding" Ryako said Niko whiped the blood off and ajusted his hat to hide his ears "Yah its kinda hurting a bit and my nose is gonna be healed soon so dont worry about it" Niko said he tuched his nose which was nearly healed "im sorry" Ryako said "its fine" Niko said Courtney walked up to them "yall ready?" Courtney said. "Yah" both Ryako amd Niko said "then lets get started" Niko broght Ryako to the area hed be posing "lets see"Niko looks at the outfit as of deciding how to pose Ryako "Ryako mind crossing your arms then give me a sligh look" Niko said then walked to the camra and looked through it Ryako crossed his arms and gave a sligh smile he looked at the camra Niko held his left hand out"look at my hand not the camra" Niko said and Ryako did so Niko held up 3 fingers then2 then 1 and took a few pictures he then walked to Ryako. Ryako looked at Niko with a small smile Niko was smiling a bit "so just let me pose you this time" Niko said he slight turned Ryakos body and grabbed Ryakos chin and slightly moved it toward the camra put his own hand at Ryakos lower back and his other hand at the top of Ryakos chest and slightly puched against both making Ryako bent his back "lets your arms just fall" Niko said and Ryako did so Niko them liftes Ryakos chin up a bit he still faced the camra "can you give me a lustful and crazed face " Niko said and walked to the camre and looked through it Ryakos smiled lust fully and his eyes widen and heald a crazed look Niko took a few pictures he then looked around "i need a chair" Niko walked to a chair and broght it over by Ryako and put it down the back faced the camra "Ryako sit down and put your elbows on the back and put your face in your hands then look straight at the camra and pretend you are looking at someone or something that you love or really want" Niko said and Ryako got in the position Niko started to walk to the camra when his sence of smell returned he immediately grabbed his tail and bent it in half breaking his tail Niko whimpers a bit a light blush on his face as it was sensitive the then walked to the camra "Niko wh-" Ryako said but got cut off by Niko "look at the camra and give me the expression please" Niko said looking through the camra trying to hide the pain as his tail hurt a lot more than before Ryako gave a look of pure lust again it seemed to much to just be imagining the itom it was as if he was looking dead at it little did Niko know is he was Niko took a few pictures and a few hours pass by and they finally finesh Niko snapped his tail in half twice in the few hours Niko goes throw the pictures right after Ryako immediately goes to Niko and grabbed him by the coller of the shirt and lifts him up to eye level Nikos feet barely on the ground everyone just watched and did nothing Niko looked Ryako in the eyes "this is for what exactly?" Niko said his voice kinda low "The hell Niko you snapped your tail 3 fucking times why the hell did you do that" Ryako screamed "my sense of smell came back and id rather that then mess with the wound that wont heal" Niko said and Ryako punched Niko and dropped him Niko fell to the ground and heald his face where Ryako punched he spit out some blood "thats not an excuse it doesn't matter that your sense of smell came back you should have held your nose or something "Ryako screamed Niko stood up he let go of his face "stop throwing a tantrum Ryako"Niko said "Im not throwing a tantrum im just pissed you need to stop harming yourself!" Ryako screamed he grabbed Niko by the coller of his hooddie again and lifted him up "people care about you damnit so stop" Ryako screamed Niko leaned his head back he stared at the roof "what do you mean Ryako" Niko said he said clearly not wanting to talk about that there " you know what i mean so dont play dumb!" Ryako screamed Niko glanced at Ryako his eyes nerrow and they were cat like for some reason Ryako looked into Nikos eyes he was about to say something but didnt get the chance "put me down Ryako and shut the hell up i will talk to you about this later i mean seriously is now the ficking time for this" Niko growled out his hat on the ground Nikos ears were up the fur spiked singling he was pissed Ryako put Niko down and looked into Nikos eyes "whatever" Ryako said and storms off to the other side of the studio Niko grabbed his hat and put it on then grabbed the camra and goes threw the pictures then goes to Courtney "here i hope these are good for what you need" Niko said his eyes returned to normal Courtney grabbed the camra "Im kinda suprised you are alive hed normally kill people who piss him off like that well he could always be saving you for later" Courtney said she walked up a bit side to side to Niko "you shouldn't pick a fight you wont end or cant finish but i sew you are barely capable of doing that"Courtney said "i mean who knows you could die at anytime" she said and left Niko growled his eyes nerrowed "so she is trying to kill me huh" Niko mumbled his fist were curled up in balls he soon relaxed his hands Niko walked to Ryako "hey uh your producer Courtney is trying to kill me for some reason" Niko said Ryako was still a bit angry but this only got him angrier Niko put his hand to Ryakos chest Niko leaned in and whispers "stay calm i dont want her thinking im up to anything she can keep trying if she wants but i will not die by her hand so just ignore it for now i wanna see what she will do"Niko said Ryako took a deep breath then sighed "we shouldnt be too much longer so you better start comeing up with a good reason for those scars and a explanation for why you used the word loved earlier" Ryako said Niko sighed Courtney then yelled out for Niko who then walked over to her "yah what do you need?" Niko said "nothing just telling you that your hired and giving you the money for today" Courtney said holding out about $20 Niko looked at the mony and grabbed it and when he did he glanced up to the right then quickly jumped back and out of the way when he twisted his right foot Niko winced in pain at first but ignored it and a gunshot was heard a bulled shot right where Niko once was standing he looked at the area again and nothing was there Niko sighed "well someone want me dead wonder who"Niko said letting Courtney believe he didnt know it was her Ryako walked up and grabbed Niko by the chin and checked to see if Niko was hurt in any way "you ok" Ryako said leting go Niko looked at his own foot "i think so" Niko didn't put any pressure on his right foot he looked at Courtney "i can go home now right?" Niko said Courtney glanced at Nikos right foot she knew it was most likely broken "mind helping put the equipment up" Courtney said "he-" Ryako said but was cut off by Niko "yah its not a problem where will we put it" Niko said Ryako glared at Niko and Niko looked at Ryako and smiled at him as if saying calm down Ryako sighed "in the equipment room i will show you lets start with the bigger things though" Courtney said and started to walk to the equipment Niko followed her after a few steps he closed his right eye his face a bit scrunched up in pain but he kept walking soon enough after they finished "need me to do anything else?" Niko said at this point he hid his pain "id like to show you around if you want or if youd like i can jave someone else do it tomorrow" Courtney said "i will-" Niko was saying but got cut off by Ryako "he will look around tomorrow me and him need to talk" Ryako said Courtney looked at Ryako but sighed "ok see yah then"she said and Ryako teleported them to Nikos room

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