Chapter 25

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So I'm really doing this then?

As I sat in the little coffee shop waiting for her to arrive, my hands started to tremble. I was nervous, yet here I was. I sometimes wonder at myself. Like how far I've come since my days of being awkward and introverted.

My brother has probably been my greatest motivator to help me out of my shell. His constant support has taught me to believe in myself and learn to take risks. Risks, like Namjoon.

Aaah, the doctor. Who would have ever thought that I'd be in a relationship with a 45 year old guy? Or that he would actually fall in love with me after all we've been through? He really and truly has captured my heart. A lot people wouldn't understand us but we were beyond caring now. We're in love and we plan on staying that way no matter what curveballs life throws at us.

"Mr Kim?" A soft voice breaks me out of my reverie. I looked up and locked eyes with a very beautiful woman.

"Dr Kim," I corrected her and bowed slightly, smiling at her good naturedly.

"Oh, forgive me doctor. I just assumed," she trailed off.

"It's okay. May we sit please? I've just ordered some juice. You may get what you like," I said politely, calling the waiter over to us.

"I'll just take an iced lattè. Thank you. So, doctor, how may I assist you? I must say, I was rather confused when I received your call," she admitted.

"You may call me Taehyung. And I'm sorry for being so obtuse on the phone but I needed to speak to you about something rather important."

"Okay Taehyung. I'm all ears," she smiled sweetly.

I could see her appeal. Granted, she was older now, but I'm sure she was a hell of a knockout in her day. She's still very beautiful.

"I needed to speak to you about Namjoon. Now before you go off, I know I am young and you're probably wondering what I have to do with him, but if you'll let me explain, I'm sure we can come to some understanding," I finished quickly, eager to get in as much information before she ran off.

"Taehyung, I won't say I'm not surprised. In fact, I'm rather intrigued now as to what this is all about. And it's okay, you may ask me about Namjoon."

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled softly at her. I was relieved that we would be able to at least talk.

"I'm pregnant Mrs Sato" She raised an eyebrow at that but refrained from commenting. I was grateful and continued. "And Namjoon is the father."

"Well, I'm ....I don't really know what to say. Aren't you a little young for him though?" She looked at me with genuine concern then.

"I am and it's complicated, even more than my age but we can talk about that later. The real reason why I've requested this meeting, is because I want to ask you to please allow his son to know his sibling."

Her face became as white as a sheet then. "If you're as close to Namjoon as I think you are, then you should know that that's impossible Taehyung. My husband does not know. Neither does my son. My marriage would be over if the truth ever came out."

"I'm sorry Mrs Sato. I know I'm asking a lot of you and believe me, Namjoon knows nothing of this meeting. I'm doing this because I see how he suffers without his son and now that I'm pregnant, I want him to be able to love my child without reservation or the fear that I won't allow him to see his own child."

I placed my hand tentatively over hers and I was happy that she didn't shake it off.

"He is suffering Haerin. Is it okay if I call you that?"

"Yes, yes of course Taehyung. I don't know what to say. We had an arrangement. He knows my husband will end everything if the truth ever came out."

"Will it though? Do you love your husband? And does he love you?"

"Y-yes, well of course we love each other but infidelity Taehyung, is not an easy thing to digest and then to know that the one you have been raising isn't your own, that would destroy him."

"I agree Haerin. And I understand all your misgivings and your decision to protect your family from this truth, but someone will always be heartbroken and right now, that person is Namjoon. He's been through a lot because he trusted you to love him. He changed Haerin. He was devastated when you betrayed him. It destroyed him. He became a sadistic asshole, uncaring and cold. He felt so unworthy of love and appreciation, that he scorned my love for him. We've traversed a long and arduous road to be together finally Haerin and now that I'm having his baby, I see a spark in him that had died. It's a hope that he will have a chance to know this child like the one he was denied."

She began to tear and I squeezed her hand slowly, in reassurance.

"I know it's difficult, but I'm asking you to at least consider the broken heart of a father. He's suffered so much Haerin. He can't even love his son from afar because his own flesh and blood doesn't know that he even exists."

She was full on crying now and people were starting to stare at us in the shop. I ignored them and got up to go to her side. I bent down and hugged her close. She didn't move away. I let her cry her fill until she composed herself enough to smile through her tears.

"I can see why he's with you. You really are so warm and affectionate. He needs that unlike me, that has always been cold towards him. I led him on for years and he didn't deserve that. Even when we got together after I was married, I should have told him the truth. But I kept him in the dark. I did a huge disservice to him. And even worse, I took his child away, uncaring of the consequences to him because of my own selfish need to protect myself and my marriage. You're right Taehyung, I made Namjoon the sacrificial lamb because of my selfishness, without once stopping to think what I was doing to him and his psyche. I have to undo a lot of damage."

I smiled at her reassuringly.

"It will be okay Haerin. Be brave. Find the courage to face your failures. If not for yourself, then for your child. The truth might be hard for everyone in the beginning, and it will take a long time for forgiveness, but have faith in your marriage and your family. Everything will work out as it should."

She nodded sadly. And in that moment, I did pity her but I had to help my love. I had to make things right for him, for his children and for myself. I had decided to keep this baby. I knew he loved me and supported any decision I would have made. But I also knew , that he had lost one child because he was denied the right to be his parent. I couldn't put him through that again. I loved him too much. I would take on any challenge for him because I knew I would always have him by my side.



Thank you for over 600 followers my swties. I've updated all my books in appreciation of this milestone. 💗😙

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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