Chapter 24

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"My love, I don't know okay. I'm just so scared."

Namjoon caressed my cheek lovingly and kissed me deeply. I was so blessed to have him in my life. He was so different from the man I had first met almost a year ago. Now he cared for me, showered me with gifts and love and so much affection. I couldn't have asked for a better lover.

"What does it say baby?"

I looked at him and then at the little box on the table.

"I-I'm pregnant Joonie."

I was in shock. We hadn't planned for this. I had been on contraceptives but when we broke up, I stopped taking them, never envisioning that we would get back together again. And here I was, pregnant and still interning. What was I going to do?

"Oh my God baby! I love you so much! You're really pregnant?" Namjoon was beside himself, smiling with undistilled joy, while I looked on in shock. I never expected this reaction from him.

"You're not upset love?" I asked him, quite stunned and confused at his behaviour.

He lifted me off my feet and spun me around.

"Babe!" I said, and hit him on his arm to let me down. I was starting to get a little dizzy.

"Oh God Tae, I'm so sorry. I just got so excited. I can't believe I'm going to be a dad! I love you my angel, so much. And why will I be upset with you?"

"I'm just completely blown away right now. I mean, I never expected you to want this."

"Do you want this Tae? I mean, I know you're still interning and a pregnancy is not what you had envisioned this early in your life."

"It's really difficult for me Joonie. I don't know what to say. Of course I want to have our child but right now? I have so much to do with my career and well, the two of us, are so brand new. I want to enjoy us together. A baby will just complicate things."

"I understand my love. I won't pressurise you nor will I impose my opinion on your decision. It's your body and you have every right to deny this. And I want you to succeed in your career. You deserve every opportunity."

"I need to think about this Joonie. Please, can you take me to papa?"

"Of course angel. Let's go. Just know that I love and support you and I will stand by you in whatever you decide."

"Thank you my love."

I called my father who, I knew, would be the one person in the world to understand my situation fully. Fortunately, my parents were both home as my little sister had left for camp today.

As my boyfriend drove us to my parents home, my anxiety grew tenfold. I knew that they were not really fans of my relationship with Namjoon, but they were trying to be supportive for my sake. And now, this happens. I don't know what to expect from them as we enter their drive.

"Taehyunggie...." my papa opened his arms out to me when he caught sight of my expression. He knew I needed him.

I ran into his embrace and he held me tight.

The Kissing Booth : Fallout [Completed] ✅Where stories live. Discover now