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-mumbo pov:

I sat at home on my comfy sofa relaxing into its warmth thinking about Grian, he visited today and the whole time Bdubs and Doc were debating whether to make me kiss him or not, I was seriously contemplating whether to just yell SHUT UP really loudly at them. it wouldn't have helped since Grian can't see them he would be upset and think I was yelling at him, so I had to hold my tongue and instead whenever Grian turned around I would shoot death glares at the two. They were so frustrating those two constantly bickering about petty things, I was glad for the free time to relax the two were in their separate dimensions doing gosh knows what.

"Muuuummmbooooooooooooo" I was distracted from my daydream as Grian dive bombed me at my base "speak of the devil" I sighed under my breath, it seemed Grian forgot about fall damage as he plummeted towards me, "G FALL DAMAG-" I was cut of as he died right in front of me, I sighed and collected his stuff and put it in a shulker. He came flying back and landed (this time he only took a little damage) and just in time my two sides came rushing back, "this time you both better behave!" I muttered to them. Doc just rolled his eyes and Bdubs smiled and said "we have made an agreement, we shall try to be friends and not argue so we can help you and you crush troubles" he snickered at the last part and Doc had a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked at his new 'friend' I wonder what is going on between those two- I shook the thought off, no they couldn't, could they? they seemed to hate each other so much. Meh oh well time to focus on the real task: Grian.

after hanging out, and G totally not breaking my redstone, and me totally not fixing the totally not broken machines, we sat down at the sofa I was on just previously, Doc and Bdubs sitting casually on my shoulder, wings flitting slightly, Grian happily chattering about building designs for his base. Occasionally doc or bdubs would whisper helpful things to say like "have you tried using some black concrete in your base?" Or "how high is your base going to be?"

As we were nearing the end of our hangout session Grian suddenly said " oh! By the way I am campaigning for you to be the new mayor of the shopping district" he said it so causally like it was not a big deal and then just flew of!!
Doc who was perched precariously on my shoulder just smirked and said "well that was good, apart from the mayor part though"

Bdubs snickered and then they both disappeared with a puff of red and in Bdubs' case white smoke, they had left me. Again.

doc pov:

As I teleported back to hell, my mind was whirring with thoughts, and so I went to the only help I knew of; Etho, I glided slowly to his fiery little hut and walked in, I must have looked a mess, hair scraggly from concentration, eyes with black rings from sleepless nights. I'm genuinely surprised(maybe a little hurt) that neither Bdubs or mumbo seemed to not care or even notice this, at least I had my loyal trustworthy friend Etho to help me through this tough time. I strolled upstairs looking for my best friend, ah, I thought he must be in his room. Duh! why hadn't I thought of that at first, oh well,

As I neared his room I heard soft moans and whines coming from it, I started to get confused and curious so I ventured further, he might be hurt. I slowly turned the handle of the door and opened it, through the small slit in the doorway I could see two people wait, two? My eyes widened as I took in the sight before me, Etho had a small girl pinned underneath him and he was peppering small kisses down her neck, "um" my heart sank as I looked between the two, they had finally noticed me and were now staring at me. "Doc, I can explain-" Etho was cut of as I slammed the door to his room shut and stormed down the stairs ugh, I knew he would be trouble, why oh why did I agree to be housemates again?! it seemed as if everyone I knew was in a relationship. What was I the millionth wheel or something? as I neared the door I spread my wings slightly, ready to take off, someone grabbed my arm and spun me around, it was Etho, I was not in the mood for him right now. "Doc, please let me explain?" he begged. "No! we had a deal Etho! we were gonna do it TOGETHER, you told me we would wait for each other to be able to have it! and not with some random girl you just met either!" I look of in the sky and hid I then teleported to the only place I knew, other than our place that is, I went to limbo the land between hell and heaven, I climbed up on a small rock overlooking a cliffside and sat wondering, I was so wrapped up in my own little world where Etho didn't exist that I didn't notice the small flapping of wings behind me.

(A/N) hi it's me Jeff, I hope u r enjoying the story, there will be regular updates (hopefully)
Criticism is ok because this is ma first story and well Um enjoy  :)
948 words

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