"Where's Uncle Rodolphus?" I questioned.

My aunt stiffened.

"He's gone." She said, however, she didn't sound particularly upset.

"Like... dead? Or like... on a business trip?" I questioned further.

"He's finally been carted off to Azkaban." She said it as if it was a reason to celebrate.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Your uncle did many many horrible, beyond horrible things during the first wizarding war and after." She explained.

"He killed and tortured so many people." She further explained.

"Why did you let him stay?" I asked.

"You and I would probably be dead right now if I hadn't." She said puling me in for a hug.

"Oh." I muttered hugging her back.


It had been two weeks since I came home from the hospital, and strange things kept happening to me.


Aunt Bella had left the plate fringe chocolate cookies we had been eating while we watched television in the sitting room.

I went to fetch it and bring it to the kitchen to be washed as I thought it would be rude to make the elves do it. I walked in the room to pick it up but before I could even touch it, it shattered.

*flashback #2*

I was sitting in the library reading as one does often. I had just finished a book and got up to look for another to start. As I was browsing through the shelves about a dozen books pulled themselves out of the bookcases and stacked themselves on the table.

*flashback 3*

I was helping Aunt Bella set the table for dinner and I dropped a fork. The fork levitated itself up and onto the table in the correct position.

*real time*

The first few times these things happened Aunt Bella didn't see them. However, she did see the fork incident. She hasn't left my side since, and she has seen many other peculiar incidents as well.


We had just sat down to eat lunch when someone knocked on the front door.

"I'll go get it." My aunt said.

I got up and followed her to the door. She opened it, and there stood the long bearded man I had always hoped to see behind a podium at school. Albus Dumbledore.

"Albus, please come in." Aunt Bella said with a smile.

"Let's go to the sitting room. I'll have Cindy bring us some cookies." She said.

Not moments after we had settled in the sitting room, my aunt and I on one couch and Dumbledore on the other, did one of my favorite house elves come in with a platter of cookies.

"Why are you here?" I blurted before I could stop myself.

Dumbledore chuckled.

"Well Annabeth, I'd like to invite you to my school, Hogwarts." He said.

"Why?" I questioned.

"To learn magic of course!" He explained.

"But I don't have magic, I-I'm not magical."

"I know you believed yourself a squib, but the coma you just recently awoke from has awakened the magic inside you." He said calmly. "I'm sure you have noticed the strange things happening around you."

I nodded.

"Most witches and wizards see these things when they are younger, around seven or eight. However, there have been occurrences where a traumatic experience awakens the magic that was believed to be nonexistent." He continued.

"So, I'm a witch?" I asked hopefully.

"Indeed you are." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"You will take the normal third year classes and you will also take additional classes with me to make up on the stuff you missed. Here is your supply list and we hope to see you on September first." He said, Handing me a paper before leaving.

I hope this clears some things up for people. I'd just like to add that in this story Bellatrix is a death eater, but was forced into it by her husband. She didn't take part in the torturing of the Longbottoms either. She is a good person who was in a bad position.

I hope you like this chapter! Let me know what you think!


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