Chapter 2

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I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped into my home for the first time in a year. It smelled like polished wood mixed with the elves amazing cooking. It smelled like home.

I took the bag Aunt Bella had packed for me with clothes and stuff up to my room to put away. When I came downstairs I was met by hushed whispers and the door to the office locked.

Knowing it was none of my business, I went into the kitchen to watch the elves make dinner and say hi to all of them.


Bellatrix pov

Shortly after Anna went up to her room there was a knock on the door. I opened it to be met by the face of none other that Albus Dumbledore.

"Ah, Bellatrix, may I come in?" He asked.

"Oh! Of course, but may I ask, why are you here?" I questioned.

"I understand that your niece has just woken up from a coma." He said.

"Yes, just yesterday."

"I believe that this coma may have awakened some magical abilities."

"Perhaps we should talk about this in the study." I suggested.

"Of course."

Once we were in the study I locked the door.

"So, as I was saying, I believe the coma has awakened magical abilities." He restated once we were situated.

"How though?"

"I cannot be certain, but seeing as she is a pure blood, there is magic in her. It, however, has not been useable, it's been almost asleep. It's as if it weren't there at all. There have been many circumstances where this has happened, and I believe this could be another, we will be monitoring her for any signs that this may have happened and she gained her powers." He explained.

"Is that all?" I asked, trying to process what I was just told.

"Well, her father."

"What about him?" I asked.

"Bellatrix, surely you have heard the news of his escape?" He said.

I sighed "Of course, who hasn't."

"If she doesn't have magical abilities, I believe it is safer for her to go Hogwarts. I'm sure you'd rather continue with her homeschooling, and think she's safer here with you, but don't you think this will be one of the first places he'll come if he's looking for her?"

"Hogwarts is known as the safest place in the world." I sighed.

"The ministry is also sending dementors for extra protection." He said, not sounding particularly happy about this fact.

"It's a good idea, while also being a horrible one." I said.

"Indeed it is." He agreed.

"Well, Albus, I assume I'll be hearing from you?" I said standing up.

"Hopefully, yes." He agreed, also standing.

"I'll walk you to the door."


Anna pov

While I was visiting the elves, Aunt Bella called for me.

"Yes Aunt Bella?!" I shouted back.

"Come here and help me set the table!" She answered.

Naturally I went and help. As we were doing so, I noticed there were only two place settings and the dinning room table was considerably smaller.

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