"Yeah, sorry Alex."

Lena's gaze wandered to Kara, wondering what she's thinking.

The latter got up and get herself something to drink.

The reality hit her while she grabbed her glass and wanted to go back to her friends.

"Omg!," She let the glass fall down, to overwhelmed about her conclusion. She didn't even notice the weird faces of her friends and the knowing one from Alex.

I'm in love with her! That makes so much sense! Oh Rao, how could I've been so blind? Of course I'm in love with her! How couldn't I? Kara Zor-El you blind idiot. You're in love with Lena Luthor!

"Kara? Are you ok?," A little worried, Lena got up, now next to Kara's side, searching for wounds or other explanations for her behaviour.

"Sorry! Yes! Of course! I'm fine."

"Are you sure?," Still worried, Lena lays her hand on her shoulder, which caused a flash of emotions and a comforting feeling inside Kara.

Alex leaned over to Sam: "She finally figured it out," She whispers to her.

"Oh thank god," Sam sighs.

"I'm ok Lena, I just... I remembered something. I'll just clean that up and join you all again!"

"I'm gonna help her with her feelings," Alex says and get up.

Together they cleaned everything. Standing at the trash can, Alex leans over to her sister, a knowing look at her face.

"Sooo...? You finally figure it out?"

"Oh Alex, how could I've been so blind!"

"Don't ask me! But how are you feeling?

"A little confused? I mean... I knew something was different, but that... that I actually love her? Alex how couldn't I see that? I know how love feels like, but with her... it's just so... so different!"

"You should tell her, before it's too late!"

"I'll, thank you Alex!"

"Always, idiot," With a grin she pressed a kiss on Kara's cheek before she went back to her place next to Sam.

Kara needed a little bit longer, she stood there and stared at Lena. Still wondering why.

I'm gonna tell her! I HAVE to tell her!

. . .

Finally, everyone starts to leave again.

"Lena, wait, can you... can you stay a little bit longer?"

"I think that's our clue to go," Knowing what's gonna happen Alex helps Sam up. She lifts Ruby up, which already felt asleep, and points to the door. The three left, waving to the two remaining.

The others were already gone, so Lena and Kara stayed behind alone.

"Why do you want me to stay?"

"I'm... well... we need to talk."

"Oh please... Kara... can we just forget about that? Let's just be friends again... ok?"



"No. I won't forget it," Hesitant, she sits down next to her.

"Why not?"

"Because I've been thinking... Lena, I really like you."

"Yeah well, I know that and you know what you means for me."

"That's not what I meant. Lena Luthor, I don't just like you, like in a friends way. It may have taken me a little bit longer to realise that and I still don't understand why it took me so long. I mean it's so obvious!"

"Kara, come to a point, please."

"Lena, I...," Kara takes a deep breath, "I love you Lena, like I really love you. With everything I have."

"You... you do?"

"Of course I do!," Smiling, she brushed Lena's hair behind her ear, leaving her hand at her cheek and strokes away some single tears of the dark haired woman.

"You... You love me...?"

"Yes Lena and I'm sorry that I haven't seen it before."

Relieved Lena pressed herself to Kara's body.

"You love me!"

Laughing, Kara lays her arms around her body.

"I do, with every part of my soul."

"Kara Danvers, I love you so much."

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