Kaiya placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "It's okay. Take a deep breath," she whispered noticing the panic attack I was about to have. I nodded quickly and did as she told. Suddenly, Zeal rolled to the wall opposite of us and slinked in a standing position, back to wall peering down the hallway.

We all looked at her weirdly and then all glanced at each other. We shrugged.

I guess if she was taking this serious, it meant we should too. We all rolled one after the other, backs lightly hitting the wall as we made it to our feet. Shoulder to shoulder we peered down the hallway. "Staircase." Zeal nodded down the hall. Backs to the wall, we successfully made it down the hallway and to an opening of a staircase. Softly, we padded down the winding staircase and stopped seeing a door open once we reached the last step.

My face morphed into one of pure horror when a horrifying looking creature shuffled out the open door.

One eye sat on its face, while the other one looked like it had been ripped out. There was dark scar tissue where the other eye should have been. Nasty looking moist scales ran along its body that pulsed a sickly white as he breathed in and out. The scales were transparent, I came to the realization, seeing green pulsing veins underneath the scales A thin tail dragged behind it as it closed the door with thick hands adorned with thin, sharp fingers. It began walking in the direction away from us until it stopped abruptly. My heart froze, stomach clenched painfully, and face paled. I let out a tiny whimper and Kaiya's and Mist's hand shot to my mouth, covering it.

Slowly it lifted its nose and began to sniff the air. The creature's flattened nostrils flared with each sniff. The monster began to slowly back pedal until it stopped completely. A low growl bubbled in its chest as it whipped around to where we were all standing, backs to the wall and looking at the creature wondering what it was going to do next. The creature took on a confused expression as it stared directly at us but saw nothing. This was thanks to Zeal's invisibility. Mentally, I thanked Selene for us having Zeal.

Threateningly the beast's head lowered as its back hunched almost as it was getting into position to attack. The scale covered beast began to stalk towards us while we all held our breaths.

As it advanced I couldn't help but notice how it was walking directly towards my direction. My heart began picking up and sweat began beading along my hairline. Adrenaline was beginning to surface. It stopped in front of me and mentally I wanted to scream. The putrid smell of waste hit my face as I held myself back from gagging.

Suddenly it was right in my face sniffing like a tracking dog. The beast's mouth opened revealing yellow razor sharp teeth. OH SELENE, I wanted to scream. The one eye was a scary red as it looked directly in my eyes. At that moment I knew. It didn't matter if I was invisible, it knew I was there.

My adrenaline snapped and the fight and flight reaction took place almost instant. Without a second thought, my hand came up hitting it in its throat. Immediately the thing made a choking noise, stumbling away from me. Hunching over, breathing raggedly choking sounds began to come from me as we all watched it struggle. Its only eye rolled to the back of its head. Within seconds the creature thudded to to the ground. I didn't know if it was dead or not, but I didn't care.

Breathing heavily, I slid to the ground, my heart racing. My hands ran through my hair as I realized just maybe, this plan wasn't such a great idea. I'm surprised I didn't shit myself. Shakily I took deep breaths, putting my head between my knees and trying to breath. I was one second away from having a panic attack and if I did, this plan would be foiled.

"Shit, what are we going to do with the body", Kaiya whisper-exclaimed.

"Are you okay Avril?", Mist asked gently, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

The Lethal Princess (Completed) Wattys2015 WinnerWhere stories live. Discover now