Like Kelly and Plumber

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Ok, so this is based off of Jack Kelly and Katherine Plumber from Newsies... and if you haven't seen it I recommend you do because OH MY GOD NEWSIES.... but anyways this is like 5000 words and I hope you like it. Natasha and Steve are based off the characters above.

"Natasha, we need to go." Rhodey called through Natasha's door.

"I'm coming Rhodey, you don't gotta be so loud." She said as she slipped her purple jacket on. She tightened her tie and pulled her hair out from under her jacket.

"Hurry up, we need to go." He shouted, getting more frustrated. He began to bang on her door, causing Natasha to frown.

"Oh my God, Rhodey. You need to calm down, our parents will wait." She laughed and walked out of her room, linking their arms together.

They walked through the streets of New York, trying to avoid the newsies that were running through the streets.

She fiddled with her tie absentmindedly as one of the newsies ran up to her.

"Well, hello beautiful." One of the boys said, tipping his hat to her and grinning widely.

Natasha frowned at him, her eyes running over the brunette boy. She caught the eye of the blonde man who ran up to her as well.

"Move aside Romeo." The blonde man said and moved to lean on the wall next to Natasha and Rhodey. "Morning, care for a pape?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and letting her catch a glimpse of his baby blue eyes.

"The paper isn't out for another hour." She said with a sly grin.

"I'd be delighted to bring it to your apartment, personally." He said, leaning closer to her and biting his lip.

Natasha felt her heart flutter slightly but she ignored it. "I'll give you a headline, "Flirty boy gets nothing for his troubles!'" She exclaimed, making Rhodey laugh.

Rhodey sighed at the newsboys and began to pull her away from the boys.

Natasha heard the blonde boy say "I'm crushed" and she grinned.


Natasha listened to the Bowery Beauties sing and began to scribble down her review of the show. She heard the door open but thought nothing of it.

"Well, hello again sweetheart."

She turned sharply, clutching her pen tighter in her hands. "This box is private." She hissed and her stomach fluttered but she ignored it.

"Well, do youse want me to lock the door?" The boy said and stepped closer to her, leaning against the railing of the box.

She ignored him and turned back to the stage. "Leave me alone, I'm working." She said dismissively.

"Working huh? Working on what?" He asked and slide into the seat next to her, inching closer.

"Reviewing the show for the New York Sun."

"Hey I work for The World!" He exclaimed and looked over her shoulder to look at her writing. It was neat but slightly messy.

"Oh, cool. Somewhere out there someone cares." She paused, looking around the theatre. "Go tell them." She exclaimed, waving her hand across the theatre.

"But I wanna stay here, the views better."

"Please go, I don't like talking to strangers." She said and placed her notepad and pen down, turning fully to face him.

His eyes shone as he shook his head with laughter. "You're gonna make a sucky reporter." He paused, "Name's Steve Rogers."

"Is that what it says on your rap sheet?" She shot back, she heard about this boy. The boy who had escaped jail on Governor Nick Fury's carriage.

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