Chapter 4 - Negotiations and Servants

Start from the beginning

Dominic : Welcome to my castle, Overlord. I am Baron Dominic Farfeather but many simply call me Eagle Lord.

Gnarl : I am my Master's trusty Minion Master, Gnarl! You must already know lady Olga! Our current Overlord's name is (Y/N) but remember to refer to him as Master or Lord to not insult him.

Olga : Thank you... Gnarl, but I believe that introducing oneself in that situtation is respectful despite him already knowing me...

Dominic : No need for anger, my lady. Now let us enjoy ourselves and then we can talk business.

They all took their seats. With Dominic and (Y/N) on opposite ends, sitting on the large and well decorated chairs with others sitting at simple ones. Most of his minions was kicked out - by Olga, she also kicked out Quaver - to the hall in front of the dining room. Others seats were taken by a his troop leaders, village elder, Gnarl, Olga - sitting right next to (Y/N) - and castle blacksmith.

All enjoyed their dishes - with Sif constanly having some meat from others or in Overlord's case a whole large piece that covered whole bowl, because she's a good girl - and some wine went around brought by servants. After everyone ate and also had some fun in form of a travelling bard being invated to play for them they moved to a large living room where Overlord and Dominic once again sat on bigger chairs, signaling their importance.

Dominic : I know why you are here and as you see I want no trouble with you.

Gnarl : If so then join us! Whole Eostia is open to be conquered and my Greatest and Most Evil Master is excited about having so many slaves! ...With some exceptions of course, such as those who are faithful to him.

Dominic : I accept that offer... After losing so much for Alliance and then being outcasted by their slut of leader, please forgive me for my language, for wanting to take war to enemy...

Olga : You wanted to move troops to attack my lands?

Dominic : That would be a good counter-offensive. Taking some border land, establishing forward camps and biting into your domain bit by bit.

Gnarl : As a general you will be very useful!

Dominic : Overlord (Y/N), if I may refer to you as such, this won't be enough.

Gnarl : You doubt his power?

Dominic : Numbers, old minion. Your creatures might be ferocious and numerous but they won't do when it comes to siege down a castle with trained troops, spellcasters and siege equipment ready to meet the enemy.

Olga : What do you propose then? Your people are well trained because that's what you've always been proud of but I doubt they can siege castle themselves.

Dominic : That is true... Which is why we have blacksmith and elder with us. They will equip any village volunteers and anyone who wishes to join in on your glory.

Olga : But how long would it take? What about materials? How long will it take to have a force capable of taking over a castle? What about loses then?

Gnarl : Well, Minions could act as living shields seeing that they just need some Essence to make more instantly but other things... Giblet can make equipment for us but he'd need more hands to work and more materials!

Dominic called out to a servant that was waiting on the side this whole time. He said to bring map once the servant did it was spread on the table for Overlord and his companions to see. Dominic pulled out feather and some ink. He said his goodbyes to elder and blacksmith while his troops leaders came closer. He then started to mark things on the map.

Dominic : See those mountains here? They're filled with good ore and other more valueable metals, such as silver and gold to keep a warmachine going. Those mountains are filled with dwarves and goblins.

Gnarl : Yes, goblins could be useful. They're capable of digging faster than dwarves, useful to set explosives under walls. They breed and grow fast too.

Dominic : When I was thinking about heavy soldiers I found out about multiple minotaur villages near the same mountains. They're very strong and durable, good as frontliners and to do some proper damage.

Olga : They're complete bruts.

Dominic : Well, they are all working together under one of the middle villages. It has a champion that defeated others and now they're all working together.

Gnarl : That sounds like a mission for Master! He's the true champion of Evil after all!

Dominic : I believe so as well! Well, we have Amazon Orcs in the plains here and here.

Olga : Are they one tribe? Amazon usually work together but they're female Orcs after all.

Dominic : As far as my scouts can tell they're working together. Now, onto another matter. I've got a rumor about dragoness attacking around this here mountain. As far as I can guess Kobolds are already swarming that area, hearing about their stronger cousine.

Olga : Ah, a dragon would make a fine addition.

Gnarl : Kobolds are numerous but also tougher thanks to their dragon-like scales.

Dominic : Thought so too. Onto next matter, you'll have round up monsters around Dark Castle to use them as meat shields. They're pretty worthless aside from that.

Olga : What about this marked castle?

Dominic : This? Monsters are appearently constantly attacking that place. Seems like this small kingdom is falling under pressure since there is some demon guy who took a bunch of monsters and want to take over.

Olga : Who rules there? I remember Dragundaala being there but it might have changed.

Dominic : Yes, there is a queen there from that family. I'm not sure what happened to king. She also has a young daughter that goes by Catue. I'm sure that by taking out that demon guy not only would we get those monsters back...

Olga : But they'd be grateful and offer something in exchange... Smart.

Gnarl : Yes, maybe even another mistress for Master! Having whole kingdom under his thumb without a prolonged fighting would be very good... Indeed, very evil too~

Dominic : That's all my scout got for now. If there is anything more I'll be sure to inform you. Also, by your request I prepared a large empty space near castle.

Gnarl : We'll use it to set up good connection with Netherworld Tower so informations and troops may go smoothly.

With talk done Overlord rose from his seat and looked over the map before slamming his armored finger on one of the interest points before walking out, escorted by his minions and his two newest bodyguards given to him by Dominic as a means of protection.

After stepping out of the castle they walked to where the area is and upon stepping closer the Netherworld Gate appeared, allowing for large objects or many people, to freely travel between here and the Tower. With deeds done BBG stepped into the portal and appeared back in Tower...

Just to be met with total mayhem. Stuff even more broken then it was before, some minions on the walls and one even at the ceiling... And in the middle of it all Kelda trying to get Chloe in a chokehold while the former was getting ready to bite her... They quickly turned to look at the sound of armored boots, seeing their Master while Olga stepped out next to him with disappointment written all over her face...

And the location you picked was...

1. Goblin mountains.

2. Minotaur villages.

3. Amazon Orc tribes.

4. Dragon's lair.

5. Princess' castle.

His Mistresses ( Overlord!Male!Reader x Kuroinu Harem )Where stories live. Discover now