Chapter 2 - Say Hello to My Little Red

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After capturing the first castle it's time to gain more allies and minions.

( Narrator P.o.V )

Netherworld Tower

Throne Room

Olga and Chloe looked around wide eyed at the view of the tower that was hiding underground. Olga felt as if her plans were coming together in front of her, especially thanks to the old minion who officially named the two Overlord's mistresses.

The rest of her plan was rather easy. Once Overlord decides to spend some quality time with them in his bed chamber just seduce him with her body and everything will be done. Chloe is supporting her previous ruler but she wasn't too found of ending up in bed with another 'human', no matter that Minion Master told her otherwise.

The two were mentally prepared to give up their virginities and start to work on their plan to seduce their new Boss. Imagine the look on their face when a bunch of minions were running around to arm themselves as they entered the throne room. (Y/N) was sitting upon his slightly ruined throne with a giant sword in hand.

Gnarl stood next to BBG's throne and explaining to him something as a pair of minions on the support up top spread open a giant leather. Overlord's fiery eyes scanned the map before Gnarl pointed at something. 

Gnarl : Ah, look Master. Your mistresses have come to say goodbye!

Olga : What is this all about?

Gnarl : We have located the Red Minion Hive! We must return it immidiately in order to spawn Red Minions!

Olga : Are you certain this can't wait?

Gnarl : We don't want to lose the track of it! Do not worry, Master will most probably bring you some souvenirs...

The two walked off, Olga a bit disappointed but quickly coming to thought that she'll just have to wait but Chloe... She was fuming from anger! So much mental preperation and even pep talk from Olga for nothing! A large tick mark appeared on her forehead and when she passed one of the minions she kicked it and causing it to splat against the wall before falling off, earning laughter from the rest. 

Gnarl : Seems like she really wanted to spend some time with you... Remeber, Sire, to keep your mistresses happy. There are things that even Overlord such as yourself wouldn't want to mess with!

The-Lord-Of-All-That's-Evil shrugged before getting up and walking over to the portal in the middle. Before he teleported he heard Gnarl yelling.

Gnarl : Gibblet! Don't chew on that!

And with a flash he was gone. He appeared in other portal set up in frozen north near a place Elf's Sanctuary. (Y/N) took a few deep breaths after summoning his minions. He has hoped that those are not the same elves he's thinking about. He bashed throught barrier inside and his minions started to run all over the place looking for something to loot, that is until...

'HE' appeared...

'HE' appeared

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His Mistresses ( Overlord!Male!Reader x Kuroinu Harem )Where stories live. Discover now