Prologue - Rise of Evil

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Kuroinu is a dark hentai based around rape and domination. We're swapping it up and it's all about humor ( dark too ) and domination. You're the Overlord here and all will do as you order and bow or be squashed under your boot ( PS. you'll be squashing many things and people under your boot )... And as by the rule of being an evil Overlord you'll get mistresses. Even the great Evil wants to bang sometimes.

( Narrator P.o.V )



Among piles of snow and large building a single small figure appears. Dressed in warm clothes and armed with a small mace. This person is non other than the next evil Overlord. He's still on the short size and his powers didn't manifest fully so it's nigh impossible to track him. Why? Well, he's still just a kid...

There is something that he hates a lot. What? People and all their nice stuff. Who cares about all that cutey stuff when you can be cruel? His attitude has turned the whole village against him since he's not really... friendly looking. He was also nicknamed Witch-Boy by everyone and is treated like an outcast.

But here is where out story starts. On a certain cold night he has had enough and decided to be evil towards the people of the village and punish them all. How? Well, that's pretty simple! Wreck their Midwinter's Eve Party! This is also the time when he's found by some very... peculiar creatures.

 peculiar creatures

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Brown #1 : Master!

Brown #2 : Master bring fun!

New Overlord looked over the two brown creatures known as Minions. They're armed with simple wooden maces but they've managed to dispers a group of kids who were constantly throwing snowballs at the young boy. Not only will he destroy the party! He has also vowed to have a revenge on the kids who were laughing at his dark glory!

Being an angry child the new Overlord is he has ordered the minions to follow the kids until they hide in a large fort. Which, by the way, was an actual giant fort made of snow with impressive walls and tower from which kids kept on throwing snowballs. The wise Overlord did what any self-respecting evil character would. He used a gigiantic firework rocket to blow it all to smithereens. While his minions robbed kids of their clothes...

And so the cosplaying brown minions and their Master have managed to enter the down. Now just find a way to ruin it... While the truly cruel but tiny Overlord was thinking over his next decision browns run rampant destroying everything. The tiny Evil turned his glowing red eyes at the giant tree with all sort of decorations on it and felt a malicious plan forming in his head.

He pointed at the guards causing all of the minions to head for the two adults guarding even more giant fireworks. He pointed his small hand at the fireworks and a lighting bolt struck from them lighting the rockets. With a wheezing in the air the rockets hit their targets - giant decorated tree and lit it on fire.

His Mistresses ( Overlord!Male!Reader x Kuroinu Harem )Where stories live. Discover now