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You don't need to say a word, I just need you to listen to me, okay?

I lied to my reason but I guess, half of it was true.

I'm not prepared to meet you because of what I've known.

Last week, a few days before we meet. You called me, it is actually not you when I answered the call because it was someone. I know It is not you because it was the voice of a guy. Remember when I have delivered you some Jollibee? This guy told me he was your boyfriend and he even thanked me for giving you some food. Then I thought, maybe it was just your friends or brother so I washed the thought out of my head then last week, last Friday it happened again. He told me not to call you anymore and find someone, some girl who's not in a relationship. I'm sorry, but by that time I doubted you and hesitated to go to meet you because you might have been playing me all along. Ako 'yong nang-scam pero ako 'yong na-scam. I still don't want to believe it, but I also don't know the truth. I don't even know what the truth is. Amelia, I came to see you last week but I couldn't just face you because in the end, I might end up hurt because I invested so much in this thing, to you so it hurts me knowing that maybe... you have a boyfriend all this time. And that's the reason I didn't come to meet you, but I came.

I'm sorry, Amelia.

But I also want to know the truth.

I know you're still listening to me...



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