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Beautiful morning my girlfriend!
I mean, online girlfriend
and you're beautiful than the morning.

10:07 AM

Sorry, I just woke up.

Oooh, what you've been up to last night, Amelia?

I don't know, if you know my gay friend, Levi?
I talked to him 'til 2 AM talking about you.

Oh, what about me?

That I shouldn't talk to you because something might get wrong.

And you say?

I don't care.
He couldn't stop me though.
He's using Grindr so basically he's talking to strangers too.

But I'm not a stranger anymore, right?

You're more like an online friend,
haven't seen you, and met you personally.

I'll take that.

So, what's my next clue?

Sure, let's get back to business!

Yup, even though I'm still sleepy.

Oh, you can get a nap after.
I think this clue will make it a lot easier.

Better be.

2nd Clue:
It has estimated 2 million population
And an area size of 100 km² and up.

Are you joking?
Basically you're joking to me right now.

No! Hahaha!
It is the second clue!

You told me that it would be so easy!

Yup, with numbers, that could be so easy.

No, it does not, OB.

Well, you have internet, right?
It is your friend now.

Why are you making me do this?
This is so hard!

I'm telling you,
this is gonna be so worth it

I hope you're telling the truth.

I am.
So, should I leave you now, or we just gotta kept talking?
'Cause I love talking with you.

Be back by 9 PM.

Oh, okay.

I think I'll just take a nap first.
I feel like I'm getting a headache.

Oh, sure.
Take some meds, OG.

I will, thanks!

No problem, OG.
Don't push yourself if you can't do it today.

I can, I just need a nap.

If you say so. :)

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