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Sorry, OB!
I was late!
Kaveron just left the house.

Oooh, you're best friend?

How do you know that?
Oh, don't bother to answer
'cause I know you're a stalker.
You know everything.

Oh, obviously not anything. :)

We just talked about boys and everything.
And we absolutely talked about you.

Am I really a hot topic on your friends now?

Now that they know, sure.
Though with Kaveron's,
She wanted me to meet this random guy,
because she's afraid that he's ugly.

So, she wanted you to meet him?
Instead of her meeting that guy?

Yup, that's it.

So, what did you say?

I will only do that if her answer on this quest is right.

You got a good idea there, Amelia.

Of course!
She helped me to connect all the clues.
And guess what?! We've come to some answers.

Dami ah!
But I only need one for tonight, OG.

Okay, and I'll pick the best one!

What if you're right?
Then you have to meet this guy?


And are you confident about your answer?


Oh, okay.
Just be safe if your answer is right.

I can take care of myself, you weirdo.

So, tell me your answer. :)

Is it on Pasay? (MOA)

Wrong, Amelia!
Not even close hehe.


And you're lucky that you don't have to meet this random guy.

What a relief.
Anyway, I'm still not giving it up.

I know, and I believe you. :)
But can I ask you a question, Amelia?


As of this moment...
Did you already know me?

Good night, OB.

That's not an answer. :(
And I don't know if that means yes or no.
Am I also hoping for nothing?

Sweet dreams, OB.

Oh, okay...
You too, OG. :)

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