Not long later Victoria and her kids finally came home. Nina told her what she knew about things getting messy between the Santos and the Prophet$. Victoria took it upon herself to keep the twins in their room for the rest of the night. With them living in front of the Santos house and with most of them absent, they didn't really know what to expect.

The four of them were chilling in the twins room. Better that they were all together and that Nina was away from her window if ever things were gonna get messy.

All of a sudden Nina's phone started ringing. When she checks the caller ID she sees that its Cesar she picks it up immediately. "Cesar?"

"Nina? Where the hell are you?" she could sense panic in his voice.

"In the twin's room.  Are you okay? What's wrong?" she asked standing up and leaving the room.

"We need your help. One of the homies got shot. I just got a text from Sad Eyes. We need you to get out a bullet like the last time," he rambled in panic making feel Nina a little worse. She rushes over to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and a few other items.

"Come to the front door," she said rushing over and putting down the call. When she opens the door she comes eye to eye with a frantic and panic Cesar.

"Where the hell were you? I've been calling you by your window non-stop. The homies texted me a few minutes ago, they should be here any minute."

"Cesar, who got shot?"

"I don't know-"

Before Cesar could finish his sentence a few cars came screeching down the street. Nina's heart was in her throat when she caught sight of the red Impala. Please let him be okay. Please let him be okay. She practically chanted in her head. The two them slowly made it over to the Santos house and Nina's heart drops when she sees the body they were hurling out of the Impala.

"Oh my God, Oscar," Nina cried before running over.


The needle pierced through Oscar's skin as he winced before taking another swig of his vodka.

"Hold still I don't wanna mess this up," Nina muttered for the nth time patching up his other cuts and grazes. She was able to remove his bullet, bullets rather, an hour ago but Oscar was too fucked up to be left alone.


"Shut up, I'm working," she snapped at him. He did just that he remained quiet as she tried to stitch up his cut by his arm.

Once she was done practically drops all her equipment on the table and sighs loudly. "I'm done," she exhales before removing her latex gloves and dropping them on the table. She took off her glasses too as she placed a hand on her forehead and eyes.

Nina was doing her best to hold back her tears the entire time she was helping him. Right now she was tired and she found herself breaking down with her face in her hands.

Oscar looks over to her and places his hand on her arm. "Nina-"

"Don't touch me, Oscar," she replied him harshly making him slightly annoyed.

"I just got shot, how are you still mad at me?"

"Exactly because you got shot!" She yelled snapping her head to look at him. Oscar jumped at her tone and the tears streaming down her face.

"You got hit in the shoulder blade mere inches away from your spine. It was bitch taking the piece shit out. The other one by your rib was in deep enough, a little more it could've pierced your liver. You would've lost a lot more blood than you did. With amount of blood you lost I'm surprised your body isn't in shock. I've been telling these assholes over and over again to take you guys to the hospital next time this happens-"

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