Rule 1, you can't tell anyone their future. Great. 

"Okay, I promise. Are you still coming over tonight?" I smiled, nodding, "yeah. I haven't been sleeping at all. I think my bed is too soft." I took a drink from my glass, enjoying the cooling effect it had throughout my body. I loved it. 

I could hear Scott sigh, "I'm sorry babe. I'll run you a bath tonight to help relax you." I smiled at that, he really is perfect and so sweet to me. "Okay, thank you. Have fun at dinner, I love you." 

"I love you too."  

After explaining my vision to Stiles and Lydia, leaving out the pizza with Scott and Kira since it wasn't important, Stiles began wondering where my vision took place. "It looked like a warehouse sort of... I'm not sure, I was more focused on the fact that Scott got electrocuted-- werewolves can survive that, right?" 

Stiles put his hands on his hips and shook his head with an unconvincing frown. "Probably, yeah. I--" Lydia cut him off with a glare, "he'll be fine, Victoria." I nodded, sighing while rubbing my belly. 

I could feel my son pressing against my bladder, making me instantly have to pee... again. I looked down at my stomach with a frown, "really?" 

With a sigh, I quickly went to the bathroom. I let out a sigh of relief as I emptied my bladder, I swear this boy is going to kill me if he keeps that up. I go to the bathroom at least once every hour because he can't keep his feet else---

My mind stopped and my body froze. I was bleeding. Why was I bleeding? "Oh god..." That can't be good, right? I stood up, pulling my pants up while yelling out, "STILES!? STILES!?" The world felt like it was slowing down, my heart was dropping, what do I do?

I tried to think of something, anything but all I could think about was that I might be losing my babies. Stiles banged on the door, "Victoria? Are you okay?! Open the door--" I pulled open the door, my eyes were wide with tears building up. 

Stiles' eyes went wide as he looked me over. "What's wrong, why are you breathing like that and crying... why are you--" I cut him off with a heavy breath. "I'm bleeding, I don't know, why is this, I can't breathe...." 

Lydia was in my line of sight in a moment, her hands on my arms. "You're okay, you just have to breathe. Stiles will go get the jeep started and call your dad, but you need to breathe, Victoria." I nodded tightly, taking a deep breath in and then out.... in and then out. 

What the hell is happening to me? 

I sat in the hospital room with Danny. Stiles and Lydia left in search of Scott and I just knew they would end up with Barrow in that warehouse. Not that it mattered, all I cared about right now was my babies and why the hell I was bleeding. 

The hospital paged Doctor Neil a little while ago, he was on his way. Danny leaned out of his chair and grabbed my hand, "it'll be okay-" "I need Melissa," I cut him off. Danny nodded, "yeah. Yeah, I'll have them call her."  

He stepped out of the room, going to the nurses station. I picked at my nails while waiting, my mind racing with a million different possibilities. Could I have miscarried? No, I felt him move earlier. But what about Janie? 

I brought my hand up to the top of my bump while leaning back on the bed, my legs crossed under me. "Oh, baby girl, please... " I dipped my head down so I was talking directly to my stomach in a soft voice. "If you can hear me, please move. I need to know you're okay. Oh please be okay-ay."

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