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*DISCLAIMER: I do not own PJO or Hoo; I only own this plot and any characters that I made up.

Third Person POV:
They were in the middle of the battle against Gaea and the giants. So far there had been no major losses, even though Percy accidentally raised Gaea with a nose bleed.

Percy was currently fighting back to back with Annabeth. They had just killed off the last of the empousai when he heard a scream of pain.

He scanned the battlefield to see Frank turn to ashes because his stick was burned by Kampe. Using her rage to fuel her power, Hazel killed Kampe by burying her in precious metals and suffocating her. However, she failed to notice the hellhound sneaking up on her until it was too late, and she was ripped to pieces.

He looked over to his left and saw Leo, floating face down in a pool of water with a bunch of cyclops surrounding him, cheering in victory.

Looking to his right he saw Jason with multiple arrows sticking out of his chest and stomach. Piper got a knife in her throat when she was too power drained to fight back from killing monsters with Katropis, and charmspeaking the monsters to kill each other or themselves.

Searching for his cousins, he sees Thalia stabbed from behind by an enemy demigod, and Nico get sucked down into the earth, where he is suffocated by Gaea.

By this time, both Percy and Annabeth had tears streaming down their cheeks. They split up, with Annabeth making her way over to Gaea and Percy fighting the rest of the monsters.

He had just finished off the last of the cyclops when, suddenly, he heard a blood-curdling scream from his Wise Girl.

He turns just in time to see Gaea holding Annabeth above the ground with a dagger in her stomach, before she rips it out and tosses Annabeth away from her, sending her crashing to the ground.

Percy sprints to her and snaps his fingers, using the powers he gained in the pit, to kill off the rest of the monsters. He goes into a baseball slide on his knees when he's a couple feet away and cradles her head, putting it on his lap.

"Hey, Wise Girl. You're going to be okay. Just hold on, alright?" Percy said quickly.

"Seaweed Brain, I'm sorry. I will always love you, but you need to move on. Be happy, live your life, please, for me?" Annabeth says, coughing quietly.

" Of course, Wise Girl. I love you, always!" Percy replies before she passes quietly in his arms.

He slowly and carefully removes her head from his lap, closes her eyes, and gently places her head back on the ground.

Soon, Gaea begins cackling evilly and saying that he was a failure, they were all weak, and that they deserved to die. At the last comment, Percy lets out a scream of rage, before jumping up and facing her. He deliberately walks towards her at an agonizingly slow pace, with a look of murderous rage present in his eyes.

Staring Gaea right in the eyes he says, "You killed her. You took everything from me! And now, I will return the favor."

Suddenly, Gaea lets out an ear piercing scream making everyone, Gods and demigods alike, look over and watch the scene before them: Percy with his hand out, fingers splayed, aimed right at Gaea, who was currently writhing on the ground, screaming and begging, for mercy.

He laughs cruelly before forming a hurricane around the pair, and using the water particles in the air, to force her up and off the ground. He grabs her in a chokehold just like she did to his Wise Girl, and stabs her through the heart with riptide. Before going back down to the ground, he uses the air particles once again, but this time to make sure that the golden dust that are the remains of Gaea get spread out far and wide in the water.

Calmly landing back on the ground, he walks over and unties the Gods with red-rimmed, puffy eyes and an emotionless mask. The Gods and demigods all stare at him in wonder, horror, and fear. The battle was won, but the people the war affected were less than excited because of the loss of so many.

Speaking up before anything can get too out of hand Zeus says, " The Gods will all flash the people involved in this war to the Olympian Throne Room so we may discuss rewards for the survivors."

Just like promised, all the survivors of the war appeared in the Olympian Throne Room.

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