(7.3) Hide with Others

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You help her up off the floor, her arm around your neck. She hobbles next to you and you open the door the basement, quietly shutting it behind you incase the murderer is still close.

You and Emma walk down the stairs and you look around for the people she says came down. You notice them in the corner, 3 people; now there's 5.

You look at each person.

Lily, a short blonde girl who's crying into her hands. Her blue eyes look up at you for a second before she starts crying again.
Max: a brown haired guy with piercing blue eyes. He's tall and looks sick of Lily's crying. He smiles at you both.
Jay is pacing around the basement nervously, biting his nails. His hair is red and covers his eyes.

You help Emma walk to them and sit down at the end. There's two available places you could sit.

Do you sit next to Lily(8.5) or sit next to Max(8.6)?

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