Scott: Let's go babe. You match is up next.

Scott held hands with Alexis and she winked at the girls before they walked to gorilla. As they were waiting Scott noticed that Stephanie was there with Hunter which he found weird as she was always in meetings. Alexis pulled Scott into a passionate kiss as her music began to play through the arena.

Alexis and Nikki walked out on stage with Scott following behind as the three of them were receiving a standing ovation from the audience. They walked down to the ring while giving some high fives to fans. After they got in the ring they waited to see who their challenger's would be.

No chance in Hell started to play and Scott watch as Vince followed by Stephanie and Hunter all walked out on stage.

Vince: Scott, I told you 3 weeks ago that you needed to learn some respect. So tonight you are going to be taught some, first you are going to watch as Alexa and Nikki defend the Women's Tag Team Championships against all teams in WWE in a Gauntlet Match!

Scott looked back in the ring with a concerned face as he seen the two ladies were trying to figure out what the best strategy was as Fire and Desire's music started to play.

~the bell rang~

Alexa started off the match against Sonya and the two of them started throwing haymakers. Alexa was able to get the upper hand when she delivered a clothesline that knocked down Sonya but Sonya was quick enough to tag in Mandy Rose. Alexa was ready for Mandy because when she went for a punch Alexa locked in the crossface. Nikki pulled Sonya out of the ring as Mandy tapped out.

The champions didn't get anytime to celebrate as the IIconics came out and immediately started their attack. They kept Alexa isolated from her corner so she couldn't get tagged out.

~towards the end of the match~

Nikki and Alexa were able to defend off everyone that came out and they were beaten down. They barely were able to get to their feet when Nia Jax's music started to play. Nia and Tamina walked down to the ring with smirks on their faces as they climbed into the ring.

Nikki tried to go on the offensive but was too tired. Nia picked up Nikki and delivered a Samoa drop. They toyed with the champions as Scott watched in horror. He started to climb on the apron to try and help until he was interrupted.

Vince: No no no! Scott if you interfere in this match, not only will I strip Alexa of the title. I will fire her on the spot!

Scott stood at the bottom of the ramp staring at Vince while Tamina pinned Nikki for the win. Scott immediately ran over to Alexa and Nikki to check on them. He helped of them to the back as he continued to stare down the chairman of WWE, who had a smirk on his face the whole time.

~In the trainers room~

Cathey Kelley walked in to see Scott knelt down talking to Alexa when she tapped Scott on the shoulder. He stood up and walked out in the hallway for the interview. Cathey motioned for them to go live.

Cathey: I am here with The Reaper to get an update on the status of Alexa Bliss.

Scott: luckily she wasn't too badly hurt out there. She was told to take it easy and thankfully she doesn't have a concussion.

Cathey: One more question. What just happened out in the ring?

Scott: You want to know what happened? Vince is abusing his power again, like he always does when he is has to deal with someone that is not afraid of him. If he has a issue with me then that's just fine, take it up with me but when he brought Alexa into this, if it's a war he wants...then Vince it's a war he is going to get!

The Day We Met (Alexa Bliss X OC) (Complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें