Hank Helps Tabitha at the Docks

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The door flew open and Julain ran straight through and pushed Kay out of the way. "Oh, Tabitha!" Tabitha took deep breaths as the pain reduced, leaving Kay to say "Thanks for coming so quickly." He didn't even take his eyes off of her, and only replied "Sorry for pushing you just now...I saw her in pain and my body kind of took over and rushed to her side." Eve came back and started hooking up Iv's with pain medication and fluids. The heart monitor was attached and immediately went ecstatic. "Tabitha your heart rate is reaching critical levels. I need you to try to slow your breathing and calm down." Every time she would try and take deeper breaths she ended up coughing and couldn't take in one deep breath. Eve had Kay wait outside with Hank, while Julian held Tabitha's hand tightly.

"EVE, What's going on with Tabitha?" Julian said getting frustrated that the love of his life was in tremendous pain. "Honestly Julian, I have no clue. I have taken blood, and tissue samples. The only thing left would be to do an ultrasound, to see if it is anything that would be visible." He nodded and told her that she needed to do something to try and stop his love's pain. Without giving it another thought she ran out of the room to grab what was necessary. Julian took this time to try and talk some sense into Tabitha. "Hey, you need to breathe. I can't lose you!" She smiled and again tried to calm her heart down, but nothing was working. Eve came running back into the room with an ultrasound machine, and a cold washcloth for Julian to hold on Tabitha's forehead. She yelled out "Hey Julian, catch!" and threw the cold washcloth towards him. He caught it and like a fox quickly laid it upon Tabitha's burning up forehead. "Oh!..that feels nice...Thank you..." Tabitha said in between breaths. Julian and Eve just smiled, while she seemed to be feeling slightly better.

Eve got the machine all up and running, which came just in time for Tabitha's pain to go down a tad bit. Tabitha pulled the gown up, while Julian pulled the blanket up after that. Eve squirted out the blue gel onto her stomach and started moving the wand around hoping to find the cause of all the pain. She stopped abruptly, causing both Julian and Tabitha to go into a state of worry. "Eve, what is it?..What's wrong with me?..Ohh!.." Tabitha said almost in tears, as the pain started to creep its way back again. Julian tried asking Eve what she found, but she just stood there. Eve could see Tabitha's stomach pain was getting worse by the minute, so she ran out of the room to retrieve what she needed.

Julian and Tabitha were still confused about what was happening. "Julian...what's wrong with me?..." Tabitha asked Julian questions hoping he would have some answers, but that was not the case. Eve came running back into the room with a handful of stuff that still didn't answer their questions. Julian finally yelled out "EVE, What the hell is wrong with Tabitha?" She finally stopped for a minute, before walking over to the ultrasound machine and turning it back on. This time she turned the sound on and turned the screen. *lub-dub-lub-dub-lub-dub* They both listened to the heartbeat of two, but never looked at the screen. Eve told them to take a look, and they both slowly turned their heads to see two little babies appear on the screen. Julian smiled, but Tabitha was in a state of shock and asked "Wha...How?..Oww!.." Eve just shrugged but said they will be here anytime now. She then left the room to page a nurse and wash her hands.

Julian took her hands in his again and said "We're going to be parents again! Can you believe it?" she shook her head and told him "...but I'm so old...nobody knows that I'm a witch so how does this look...Old lady of harmony has a baby late in life..." Julian cut her off to say "All that doesn't matter because you will be a mother to these children. I know you didn't get to raise the boys, but now you can have two running around. You'll have kay and the Bennets next door, and you'll have me a ton too. Also, I think it's time to tell the boys about their mother, and new little siblings." Tears cascaded down her cheek, at the thought of being a family with Julian and the kids.

The contractions started coming more frequently as time went by, and Eve had gotten the bed ready and told Julian what he needed to do. Everyone left the hospital to go home for the night, after staying there for three hours with no news. It was 45 minutes after they left that the first baby was born, letting a cry fill the room. "Congratulations Tabitha! you have a daughter!" Eve said to both parents. "Tabitha my darling, she's beautiful! She looks just like you in every way." Julian told Tabitha as the baby was taken to get cleaned and weighed. The two of them were sharing a romantic moment when Eve jumped in to say "I know you want to rest, but you got one more baby to deliver." She nodded and started pushing once again.

Passions Re-writtenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ