Tabitha Fights to Save Julian

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One night in Harmony, Tabitha sat alone in her living room. With Endora at the good which school, and Kay out for the evening, Tabitha had nothing to do. She wasn't feeling all that great, so she decided to make a batch of martimmys and relax. All she could think about tonight was her dear Timmy. A knock on the door brought Tabitha out of her thoughts. She zapped a spell to open the door and yelled out "Whoever you are, go away!"; never leaving the chair. "Tabitha, are you here?" She stood up and found that Julian was the one at the door. "Julian, what are you doing here?" She asked while Julian walked through the door. "I want to see my daughter!" Julian demanded while he shut the door.

"Sorry, you can't. She's at school." Tabitha told Julian, as she sat back down in her chair tiredly. "Are you alright? What type of school is at this hour of day?" Julian asked, taking her hand. She responded, "I'm just tired, and you shouldn't be concerned with her schooling I will take care of it..." Julian nodded but was still concerned. "...but now I have to go pick her up." Julian agreed and watched Tabitha stand up, but she swayed on her feet. "Tabitha!" Julian yelled out and shot up to catch her. He helped her sit down, and knelt down beside her. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. Tabitha responded "yeah...I just got dizzy that's all. I'll be fine." Julian said okay, and walked out of the house. "He complied really fast." She said but just shrugged it off. She grabbed her witches hat and swiftly walked toward the school.

Julian followed quietly, but quickly. He arrived at the school, only to see Tabitha and other witches fighting in front of Endora. His little girl saw him standing there watching. With one point from Endora, Julian was standing in front of his little girl. Tabitha was fighting against two witches of evil with Esmerelda the good witch. She looked up to find Julian standing there next to Endora. "Julian? What are you doing here?" She asked as she stopped shooting at the witches for but a moment. He just spoke very authoritatively; saying "I wanted to see the school that you were talking about. But what I want to know now is, why are you fighting in front of Endora? She is too sweet and kind to be watching any of this." Before Tabitha could respond, one of the evil witches shot a spell at her causing her to fly back into the wall that had all the brooms hanging from it. "Tabitha! " Julian yelled out. The witches waited to see if she would get back up to her feet.

She awoke with her head pounding, and pain raging through every muscle. She pulled herself up and tried to regain her balance. "Tabitha, are you okay?" Julian asked. All she did was continue to fight with Esmerelda. "I know a way we can defeat them." Esmeralda told her hoping that she would agree. "we can use love!" Esmeralda told everyone. Tabitha immediately said " there any other way to win that doesn't involve love?...You know I loathe love..." the good witch shook her head. "You don't look too good. Let's just end this. Please?" Esmeralda asked calmly. "Fine...I'll do it..." The evil witches ran towards Julian and Endora. Tabitha tried to run, but the pain raged so Esmerelda took Tabitha by the waist and helped her to Julian. "Julian...bring Endora over here..." Tabitha told him in a very agonizing tone. He swooped her up into his arms and ran to Tabitha. "Get into formation!" The good which proclaimed. Julian and Tabitha knelt down behind Esmeralda. She shot the witches with the power of love spell, and they were gone; destroyed.

The good which swayed to the side a bit. Julian helped her sit down in a chair. He noticed blood on her white silk dress and asked: "Esmerelda, are you hurt?" She looked down and responded "No." Her head shot up and around "Tabitha?" Julian quickly spun around and saw Tabitha leaning on a desk with one hand wrapped around her stomach. Julian asked, "What's wrong?" She moved her hand shakily away from her body. He saw the blood, and so did Tabitha. She started falling to the ground when Julian quickly ran to catch her. "Tabitha! Tabitha! Come on!..stay with me!" He said gently placing her onto his lap.

She tried to pull herself up, but every time the pain was unbearable. Julian moved her black jacket to see a cut across her side. "Oh God!" He expressed and quickly asked Esmerelda if she had a handkerchief he could use to control the bleeding. With a flick of her wrist, a handkerchief appeared in Julian's hands. "This might hurt." He told her and pressed it down on her side. She groaned at the immense pain, and Julian just held her on his lap. He still was applying pressure to her side. "Esmeralda...Tabitha needs a doctor! Will you help us? Please?" She pondered but told him that she would flash them back to Tabitha's house and would make it seem like she fell down the stairs. Endora stood next to her mother and kissed her head. Tabitha reached up to her little girl's face and said "stay strong Endora. I'll be fine. I love you..." Tabitha's hand fell from her face, and her eyes closed. Julian freaked out and tears rolled down Endora's face. Esmeralda told little Endora to grab a hold of her daddy.

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