Julian Confronts Tabitha about the Baby

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Kay slipped on a stair and cut her head slightly. Only Tabitha was home, so she took her to the hospital to get some stitches. "Kay, your family should be here soon. Ouch ohh!" Kay looked down to see her friend massaging her side. "Are you alright? Is it the baby?" she asked worriedly. Tabitha just waved it off "it's just a kick...I'm fine!" Kay's family arrived and Sam hugged her and said "Thank you for bringing Kay here." The baby kicked hard again, and Sam quickly pulled away to ask "what's wrong?" Tabitha tells him "It's nothing...I promise! I think I'm just going to go for a little walk." Sam smiled, as she walked out of the curtain. She walks to the emergency room that hasn't been used in ten years because it was quiet and secluded. The baby kept kicking harder than usual, so she leaned slightly on the counter. She closed her eyes for a second and was awoken when Jessica tapped her shoulder. "Tabitha, are you doing okay?" Cymone asked, walking up next to Jessica. "Sam and Ivy sent us to see if you were alright." Tabitha smiled and responded "I'm fine girls...I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night due to this little one. That's all." They giggled and left to go tell Sam and Ivy.

When they were walking through the halls, they stopped for two seconds to say "I can't believe Tabitha could be preggers." Jessica added, "And who would want to do it with her?" They shook in disgust and continued to walk away. What they didn't know was that Julian was listening in and knew at that exact moment that he was the father. Faster than a bolt of lightning he took off running to find Tabitha. When he finally walked into the old emergency room, he saw Tabitha leaning on the counter with her head leaning on her left arm, and her right arm laid upon her midsection. Now that he knows she's pregnant, he saw her positively glowing. She stirred a little bit, and Julian ran toward her to talk. She opened her eyes to see Julian Crane standing there staring at her. "Is it true?" Tabitha looked confused but responded, "what's?" Julian looked down and back up to say "You're pregnant with my child?" She leaned back and nodded. "It's true, I'm having your baby Julian." she smiled as he turned away. Tabitha suddenly felt something happen. "Julian...something's wrong..." He didn't turn around, he just said: "No, I'm just shocked." She clenched her stomach and repeated "...No Julian...something's WRONG!.." He quickly turned around just in time to see her body starting to fall towards the hard ground. "Tabitha!" He yelled out while lunging to catch her. He got her settled with her upper body draped over his knees.

He tried to get her to wake up, but nothing was working and he realized that she needed help. He yelled out"Help! Help! Is somebody out there? Please!" John came running into the room. "Mr. Crane! What do you need?" He asked until he walked in further and saw Tabitha unconscious in Julian's arms. "What happened to Tabitha?" He nodded and told John about what happened, well only the part he knew off. John took off running to find doctor Russel.

Julian heard a quiet moan float up to his ears. When he looked down he saw Tabitha slowly opening her eyes. She tried to sit up. Julian carefully leaned her against the counter when she tiredly asked "...What happened?..." He told her the story. "Well, you told me about the baby...then I turned away. I turned around and you fainted and went out cold." she was shocked but the baby made it into pain. "It's okay, John went to go find Eve. You're going to be fine." He told her when John came running in. "Eve will be just a second behind me. She said if she wakes up to keep a good hold on her and try and keep her calm." They both nodded. Julian pulled Tabitha's head down onto his shoulder. A few moments later Eve came running in with a bag of medical stuff. "Julian! how's she doing?" He pointed down and she saw Tabitha pale. "Okay. Tabitha, I need you to sit up just for a second." She nodded and used Julian's lap to help her lift herself up. "I'm going to have Julian carry you to a room. I want to make sure the baby and you are perfectly fine." She said, but Tabitha shook her head, saying "I'm fine...The baby is fine too. Ohh!" she bent over in pain. "No Tabitha, please let Eve help!" Julian tried to insist. She still refused, and Eve came up with an alternative option. "If you won't stay here, then Julian has to take you home to rest..." She paused before adding "...but Julian has to stay with you for 24 hours." Tabitha knew that was a better choice than staying in the hospital, so she just nodded her head and said "...Fine..." Julian took her in his arms and started towards the nearest exit to bring the mother of his child home.

The End 

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