Tabitha in a Car Crash

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Tabitha wasn't feeling well, so Kay pressured her to go see a doctor. "Kay, it's just a cold. I'll be fine." She tried to sound convincing, but Kay continued to push for her to go. She reluctantly agreed; only to get Kay off of her back. "I'm going to my parent's house, See you later!" Kay told her while running out the door. What Tabitha didn't know was that going is gonna cause more problems than just staying home.

The scene changes to the Bennet household a couple of hours later. The phone rang and Sam answered it to hear from the station that there has been a bad car accident. "Oh God, dad! That sounds terrible!" Kay told her dad. Sam cut her off. "It sounds pretty bad, and I have to go. You all need to stay here." Luis ran in saying "Sam! did you hear about the accident?" He nodded and added, "We need to go down there and help." Luis agreed, and they left.

When they arrived at the scene there were 2 fire trucks, 4 Ambulances, and 6 police cars. "Is it really this bad Luis?" He asked, and all Luis could do was give a nod. They rushed under the police tape. "What's going on?" Sam asked the fire chief. "5 car pile up. The car in front swerved and stopped, the second car tried to stop, but the third car pushed it forward. Then two cars, one from each side saw it too late. We've moved two cars off, but we don't know if the driver of the second car is even alive yet." Luis and Sam ran over to the car on the bottom as soon as it was cleared off. When Luis and Sam got the door open they gasped.

Luis stuttered " that who I think it is?" He nodded and replied "It's Tabitha!" she was leaning against the steering wheel unconscious, with blood pooling around her. Sam knelt and tried to wake her. He searched for a pulse and found it, but it was extremely weak. "Luis! She's alive! Go and get the paramedics!" Sam yelled out. Luis ran toward the police tape. Sam, turned away for a second to look around. He heard a soft moan coming from the car. He quickly whirled around, to see Tabitha's hand twitch. "Tabitha! Can you hear me? It's Sam...Just focus on my voice...I'm gonna get you out of here!...I promise!" He gently leaned her back, so she was upright in her seat. She weakly called out his name but never opened her eyes. The seat belt caused a deep bruise on her neck. His eyes traveled down to try and get her out of the car, but he saw the seat belt connector was piercing her side, and that she was losing a great deal of blood. "Luis hurry! We're losing her!" He called out while trying to pull her out of the car, but he couldn't move her. "She's stuck!" Sam yelled out to anyone near.

Luis ran over with a firefighter. "Here Chief! I have a seatbelt cutter." The firefighter handed it to Sam. He quickly cut it and peeled the connector from Tabitha's side. Together Sam and Luis lifted Tabitha out of the car. "Where is all this blood coming from?" Luis asked. He waited to detail her injuries until he saw Eve. She rushed over and Sam laid Tabitha on a gurney. "Is she gonna be alright?" He asked as they rushed her into an ambulance. "I don't know Sam." They rushed as fast as they could to the hospital. Sam took this time to call the house hoping anyone but Kay would answer.

The scene again changes back to the bennet house, as Grace answered the phone. "Sam! how's the scene going?" she asked, but he took a while to answer. This gave her the hint that something was wrong. "Sam, what is it?" He told her about Tabitha, and how they need to get to the hospital. "Okay, Sam! We are on our way now." Grace said, signaling everyone to get up and ready. She hung up the phone and Kay walked up to her and asked: "What's going on?" Grace told her and Kay started to cry in her mother's arms. They all lost track of time. They all finally ran out of the door.

When they arrived at the hospital they saw Sam standing in the waiting area of the ER. Kay was quick to run to him and ask if Tabitha was alright. "She is still in surgery. Eve said her injuries were pretty bad, but she should make it through." Sam replies, just as Eve came into the room. Kay ran up to her. "Eve, please tell me Tabitha is alright?" She told everyone "Tabitha is stable, but she had a lot of internal damage..." They were all shocked. "Tabitha is in post-op rooms. I want only one person in her room at a time." Eve said. Kay followed closely behind her.

When she saw Tabitha she gasped; her face was all bruised, there were monitors hooked up every which way, and her arm was perched on a pillow. Kay felt terrible because she was the one that forced Tabitha to go out tonight. "Oh, my god! Julian!" She thought and quickly called him. "Hello! Who is this?" He spoke down the phone. Kay responded "Julian it's Kay...Something happened to Tabitha. She was in a car accident tonight. You need to get to the hospital now!" She hung up and went to sit by Tabitha's side. "I am so sorry! This shouldn't have happened." Kay started to cry when Sam walked in. "Kay, this is not your fault!" He pulled her into his embrace. "Yes, it is dad! She wasn't feeling well, and I pushed her to go to the doctors. If I would have just dropped the subject she would be alright." Kay sobbed into her dad's arms.

The scene changed to Julian running into the hospital. He spotted everyone in the waiting room. He rushed over to them, and asked: "Is she alright?" Grace nodded and brought him to Tabitha's room. He slowly walked into the room. "Oh God!" He said slowly walking toward her bed. Sam turned around and said "Julian I am so sorry! She is going to be fine. The doctors think she will be waking up soon." Julian ran his hands around her pale skin as if he was memorizing the feel of her skin against his. Eve walked in. "Julian you're here! She will need someone that she knows and trusts when she wakes up." Julian smiled.

They heard ecstatic beeping. "Move Julian!" He quickly moved, so Eve could rush to her side. She carefully pulled the tubes out of her throat and let Tabitha adjust to breathing on her own again. "...Where am I?..." She asked tiredly while prying her eyes open. Everyone let out a sigh. "You were in a car accident, and got hurt pretty badly," Julian responded. Sam stepped forward "Tabitha, there's somebody here who is feeling really, really, really guilty and wants to apologize." She nodded, and Kay stepped forward. "Kay?...why do you...feel guilty?" She asked. "I knew you weren't feeling well, and I pushed you to go out tonight. If I hadn't pushed you, then you wouldn't have been in the crash! I am so sorry!" Kay teared up and hugged Tabitha. She flinched in pain, causing Kay to quickly let go and say sorry again.

Tabitha tried to move her right arm, but couldn't feel it. "What's wrong with my arm?" she asked with a weak voice. "Your arm was broken in the crash," Sam said gently lifting it up, so Tabitha could see the cast. "Oh! Thank you." Tabitha said almost asleep. Her eyes kept closing and opening. Julian sat down on the bed carefully saying "Tabitha you should sleep. You could use the rest." She replied mid-yawn "No, I'm fine...I need to talk...with you alone." he nodded, and everyone left the room, leaving Tabitha and him to talk.

He sat down on the bed with her, and said: "What did you want to talk about?" She said "While I was out...all I thought about was you and our boys...I miss us!" He smiled, took her hand, and said "I am going to bring Ethan and Fox over when you get released to go home, and finally tell them that you are their mother. After all these years." She was so thankful. They were about to kiss when Eve walked into the room and had some good news "Tabitha you are free to go home, but I need you to take it easy. If not you will have to come back and spend more time in this bed." She chuckled a little bit, but stopped due to pain and said "thank you, Eve! For everything. I really appreciate it." All Eve did was smile and offer to help her pack up. "Oh, I also have something for you." She held up a sling and helped Tabitha put it on. "Oh, that feels so good."

When they got home everyone was there and wanted to give her a hug. She tried to hug as many people as possible but eventually, she needed to sit down. "Here let me help you!" Sam offered. He helped her to the couch. She carefully sat down without much pain. Everything was going great.

The End Until Next Time.

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