Tabitha Fights to Save Julian

Start from the beginning

The good witch waved her magic wand, and Julian found himself back in Tabitha's entryway. Julian had Endora grab two pillows from the couch, and put it under her mother's head. Julian ran and called for an ambulance. A sudden knock at the door sent Julian running towards the door instead. He found the Bennets standing there all worried. "We heard a scream! What happened? Is Tabitha all right?" Sam asked frantically. "Tabitha just fell down the stairs," Julian told them all. Pilar asked if they could come in and see her. back in the house, they found Endora sitting next to her mom. Pilar took Endora in her arms while the others tried to wake Tabitha. "Something cut her side," Julian told everyone. They all gasped. Sam ran to Tabitha and put pressure on her side wound. He felt for a pulse but had a hard time finding it. "Oh thank god! She's still alive! Her pulse is weak." Sam said while Kay called for an ambulance. "They will be here in five minutes," Kay said. Pilar asked "Julian, why were you over at Tabitha's?" He looked down at Tabitha's bruised filled face, contemplating if he should tell them the truth or lie. "I wanted to see my daughter and my love." Everyone gasped yet again, and Sam was the first to ask "Wait, how long have you loved Tabitha?" Julian told everyone that he fell in love with Tabitha when he met Timmy and saw how much she loved him.

Kay made a sweet sigh, and said: "that's so romantic." Julian continued to say that his father never approved of him loving her. "When I heard that Timmy had died, I came over to see how she was doing. I found her having a hard time, so I made up a batch of those delicious martimmys. We had a couple of those and sat in front of the fire, and one thing led to another..." He finished saying and moved a piece of Tabitha's curly golden hair away from her pale face. Everyone could tell she was getting worse, but nobody wanted to say anything. Endora let out a whimper and reached out towards Julian. He took her in his arms and held her tight until she fell asleep. He brought her into the living room and laid her down in her playpen.

The scene changed back to Tabitha, who let out a slight groan, and slowly opened her eyes. She noticed that nobody was next to her, and heard no noises coming from inside the house. She figured that she was home alone and had just fainted from not feeling well. She tried to pull herself up but pain raged from her chest down to her hip, she rushed her hand right to her left side. When she finally managed to stand up, she slowly started to walk into the living room. Julian saw something out of the corner of his eyes, but when he turned his head to see Tabitha he rushed over to her faster than a cheetah going after his prey. "Tabitha! What are you doing up and walking? You're badly hurt!" Julian said helping Tabitha walk to the couch. She groaned as she went down. "...That explains all the pain..." Tabitha said. They all laughed when Endora started to cry again. She tried to spin to see her little girl but the pain was unimaginable. Pilar walked towards her and placed Endora next to her loving mother. She smiled and gently wrapped an arm around Endora to hold her. Julian watched as the two of them shared such a sweet moment. "I can't believe I would have missed seeing this special moment that you two shared. And I got it on record with a photo." She was suddenly dozing off.

Tabitha's body was falling to the side. Sam and Julian caught Tabitha and laid her body down with her back hitting the couch and her head hitting a pillow. "Thank you!" Julian said sighing a sigh of relief. He smiled as Endora woke up slightly with little whimpers escaping all through the house. "Julian she is so adorable!" Ivy said taking Endora from the couch so he could help Tabitha. He saw even more blood than before. "Julian, we need to get her to Eve right away." Julian just looked confused and told Sam "It's the middle of winter. We'll freeze before she gets there!" Sam nodded but told him that there were no other options. She was on the verge of dying. "Fine, but only some of us go now since there's a storm. The others can follow tomorrow if the storm has let up." Julian demanded. Everyone agreed and helped put a jacket on her. "I am going with Tabitha, but no one else tonight. Got it?" He asked, and Sam had one question "Wait, why are you going by myself? Someone else should be going with you?" Julian authoritatively told everyone that it was his responsibility. "Could someone please take care of Endora for the night? Please?" Julian pleaded; Ivy and Sam offered to do it. Sam helped lift Tabitha into Julian's arms and off they went.

The snow was falling as fast as lightning strikes the ground. Julian saw that it was getting harder to see ten feet in front of him. Tabitha's face was as white as the snow, her lips as blue as the ocean. Julian tripped over a rock suddenly and went down. Tabitha flew forward through the sky, hitting a stone wall and falling into the snowy river. Before Julian succumbed to the snow queen he called out Tabitha's name only to see the red snow coming towards him. His eyes closed and his hand landed inches away from his love.

The next day

Julian woke up the next morning in a hospital bed when he remembered what had happened last night. Eve walked in and checked his charts. He was frantically asking if Tabitha is all right. "We actually wanted to ask you if you remember what happened last night?" He sat up with slight difficulty but still managed to say "We were walking here when the storm began to get worse, I couldn't see ten feet in front of me. Anyway, my foot got caught on a rock and everything went slow. Tabitha flew out of my arms, as I went down. All I remember after that was Tabitha hitting the stone wall and falling to the ground. I crawled toward her and saw the snow turn red. Then I was out cold. Next thing I know, I woke up in this bed." Eve understood and said. "Well, that explains a lot." She turned to leave the room until Julian stopped her "Wait, Eve, is Tabitha all right?" Her head fell down, and Julian knew what she was going to say but he refused to believe it. "When she hit the wall she fractured two ribs, broke her leg, and her head injury is worse. She is in a coma, and we had her in surgery for four hours. We found that she was expecting another baby girl. She is in the nursery until you were released. You are free to go. You just have a severely sprained ankle so we will put a boot on it but you will be okay to walk." Eve told him. He quickly asked if he could go see Tabitha. She nodded her head, and Julian got up and dressed faster than a lion going after its prey.

A nurse came in and helped him put on the dreaded giant medical boot. Eve has never seen Julian run that fast for anything. He stopped in front of the nursery window, only to smile at his newest daughter Maria (if Tabitha agrees.) "She is adorable, isn't she?" Eve said placing her arm around her shoulder. They continued to see Tabitha. They both arrived to find everyone standing outside the door. "Oh Julian, you're alright. We were so worried." Ivy said running up to Julian and hugging him. "How is she?" He asked while walking toward her door. As he inched towards the closed door, his heart began to race, his palms got sweaty. When he walked through the door the sun hit Tabitha perfectly. Her skin glowed like a diamond, her hair flowed swiftly with the wind. He knew that she wasn't going to wake up but he couldn't stop trying to save her. He took her hand in his as gentle as a porcelain doll. "Please wake up my darling? I need you, your children need you. I love you so much. I don't know what my life would be like without you. Please if you can hear me, come back to me." He pleaded and sobbed. Will she ever wake up? Will she ever come back to her family? Or will she ever meet her newest daughter? We will have to wait and see. Only one more question remains "Will everyone find out the truth about what happened? Or will it stay with the stair story?

The End

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