Wide Awake- Someday I'll Fly Away

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Her thoughts.....

How long has it been, no communication, no nothing.

Wherever I go, they always ask me how I am? What really happened?

I don't know myself, either.

Sometimes I just wanna fly away- so far away from people who like to pry in my private life? Sometimes I am getting sick and tired of everything - the fame, money...that I can't even enjoy it.

Is it so hard to attain a simple life? Why is it so hard for me to be in love when others fell in and out of love so quickly?

I love him, he loves me. There shouldn't be a problem yet everyone seem to be adamant at making sure we are as far away from each other.

When I am real, allowing myself to share how I feel and think- I still get pulled down to the ground...am I not allowed to be happy for real?

It's been a while- I only discreetly watch him from afar...in the middle of the night, in this gadget our fans gave us. Whenever I do, I touch the engraving at the back of it- a silent reminder of our love that's unseen, unshared- but I know it's there.

He is busy and so am I.

My eyes are wide awake with everything.

Sometimes it hurts that we are distant when we don't want to be, we didn't have a choice.

I secretly wish we can fly away together- in a place where it's just him and me.

Where we can freely share each other's feelings...feel the love we have...and just enjoy each day together.


His Thoughts

Good thing I have a lot of projects and gigs... I don't have time to think about myself...work keeps me up and about.

It is what it is...I know.

I miss her, though.

I wonder when I would get to hear her voice again?

I wonder when my fingers will intertwine with hers again?

Ahhhhh...it pains me to think that I can't be with her when I know we both want to be together.

I wish one day will come, that we can just vanish away from everything.

A simple life..

A happy one shared with her....

I smile Everytime I hear her name...

It makes me feel giddy sometimes I cannot hide it...

I love her...she loves me.

What's wrong with that?

I know we are both selfless

Right now we have to comply...

But when the right Time comes along...

I will make sure she will always be right beside me...

Her face I'd like to see every morning I wake up...

Her laughter which eases away my pains...

Her gentle touch that keeps me going...

And her Love, that makes me whole.

I love you...wherever you are.

The Baby Girl & Baby Girl Dialogue (AshRald)Where stories live. Discover now