New Job

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 "Are you sure you want to do this?" Nick asked his girlfriend. 

"Yes, Nick, I really need a job right now to help pay rent" Jess responded for the millionth time. 

"I don't mind paying your share of the rent you know" Nick said.

Jess rolled her eyes, "Nick, I can't ask you to do that anymore, plus Schmitt is up my ass".

 "Well then he can talk to me" Nick frowned, Jess chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "This is only temporary, I'm not gonna be a waitress at your bar forever. Plus we'll get to spend more time together". 

Nick kissed her on the lips and looked back at her, "It's not you I'm worried about the men at the bar. I've seen it happen Jess, they are drunk and they flirt. I know you try to see the good in everyone, but these guys are not good" Nick said worriedly. 

"Don't worry Nick, if anything happens, I'll let you know" Jess reassured him. 

"Fine, know that I don't like this" Nic pouted. "I'll make it up to you" Jess said seductively and started to unbutton her shirt and revealed her bra. 

Nick's eyes immediately looked down to the lacy bra, "I really don't wanna go to work now" Nick whined. 

Jess laughed, unfortunately, at this very moment Schmitt came into the room. "Hey, Nick have youuuuuuuuuu-" his words slurred into one as he stared at Jess's exposed bra. 

Jess immediately covered up her bra as Nick stood in front of her. "Schmitt! Stop looking at my girlfriend's boobs!" Nick yelled.

"Wow man, con-grat-u-lations" Schmitt said and held his hands up for a high five. 

Nick stared at his best friend "Are you seriously congratulating me right now?" Nick asked.

Before Schmitt could respond Jess interrupted, "Schmitt! Get out!". Nick pushed him out and closed the door. "Fine! I'll find my limited edition Marvel Iron Man comic book myself!" Schmitt yelled. "Jar!" Nick yelled back and heard Schmitt groan and put money in the jar.

He turned back to look at Jess, "See? This is what I mean Jess. He was gawking at you and he LIVES with you!". "Nick, you didn't have an issue with me being a shot girl which was WAY worse. You need to relax, I will be fine". Jess said. Nick knew he wasn't winning this argument and gave in "Fine, I know I am not winning this"

That night Nick was waiting for Jess by the door, "Jess! Come on we're gonna be late" Nick yelled.

"Give me a second! I'll be right there!" Jess yelled back.

Nick looked down at his watch, debating how fast he's gonna have to drive to make it on time if Jess took any longer. 

He heard approaching footsteps and looked up. there stood Jess, but not the Jess he was used to. 

Jess had her hair pulled back out of her face. She wore a black mini skirt, a black lace camisole, and black stiletto heels, with some silver jewelry. 

"No, nope, I changed my mind, you're not going out like that" Nick shut down. "Nick, we talked about this. I'm going" Jess said and pushed by him. Nick scowled to himself, wondering why he agreed to this in the first place.

Nick stood behind the bar pouring drinks for customers. It was hard to both keep an eye on Jess and serve drinks. "Hey, buddy! I want my beer" an angry customer yelled. "Sorry sir, I'll get it right away" Nick stammered and went back to his job.

Meanwhile, Jess was busy serving up drinks around the bar. She heard yelling and saw that Nick was being yelled at by a customer.

 She turned back to her customer "here's your drink sir" and handed a younger aged man his drink. 

"Hey missy, are you single by any chance?" he asked, clearly drunk. 

"No, I have a boyfriend" Jess responded. "You say that now. but just wait till the end of the night, I can give you more" the man responded.

Jess shifted uncomfortably, "I'm good" she said, but the man was not giving up. 

"The names Jonathan, but you can call me Jack" wrapping his arm around Jess, she looked at him and escaped his grasp, "Well Jonathan, as I've said before, I have a boyfriend and a job to do so enjoy your night". She walked towards the bar to get the next round of drinks.

Nick saw and walked over to her, but he noticed she was a little shaken up. "Hey, Jess? You okay?" she nodded but didn't look up at him. 

"Jessica? What happened" Nick asked again, but this time putting his hand on her shoulder. This seemed to snap Jess back into reality, "Sorry Nick, it's just that this guy made feel really uncomfortable", she sighed, picking up another tray of drinks. 

Nick put his hand and gently pushed the tray of drinks back down, "What do you mean? Who? Who was it?" Nick said through gritted teeth. "Nick, calm down-" Jess started, "Jessica. Who. Was. It." Nick repeated. "

The guy over there, he said his name is Jonathan, but Nick, please don't do anything stupid, remember, you love this job" Jess said. Nick didn't really hear her warnings as he was already making his way towards Jonathan.

"Hey, I'll take another pint of beer" Jonathan said as he saw Nick walking over to him. 

"You're asking the wrong man, now I'm only gonna tell you this once. Stay. Away. From. My. Girlfriend". Nick said. 

"Oh, so you're the waitress's boyfriend huh" Jonathan responded, "You're a lucky guy" he said nonchalantly. 

"Yeah, I'm gonna need you to leave the bar, man" Nick said through gritted teeth. 

"Oh come on, Rick was it? We could have fun, the three of us. I could just imagine that waitress wearing-". 

Before Jonathan could finish that thought Nick punched him so hard that he stumbled back.

"Nick!" Jess yelled worriedly and hurried over to him, "Are you okay?". 

"Yeah I'm fine" Nick responded. He grabbed Jess's hand and walked out of the bar, but not before yelling to everyone in the bar. 

"Anyone else has any ideas about my girlfriend, you can talk to me!".

When Nick and Jess got back to the loft Nick had a fire in his eye that Jess had never seen before. "Nick? Are you okay?" Jess asked and walked towards him. Nick turned to her and picked her up bridal style. 

"I've been wanting to do this all night" Nick said and walked over to his room.

New Girl Oneshots - OPEN TO REQUESTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora