Chapter 4 - a conclusion and streaming

Start from the beginning

After petting him a bit I remembered something, I wanted to apply for a visa so that I can stay in America longer than 90 days and actually live there.

I turned my computer on and got on the website to apply for one. I gave them my name, my birth country, my E-mail address, and ofter information they need about me.

After I did all the other necessary stuff I needed to do to apply, I sit back in my chair and continued petting the cat.

But then I saw a notification from Discord, it was from Dream.



hey George, are you ready for streaming?


Oh shit, I totally forgot that he wanted to stream!



hey George, are you ready for streaming?


thanks for reminding me, I totally forgot😅

so r we both gonna stream or how did u plan this?


idk do what u want but I'm going to stream 100%



then I'm just going to play on the survival world and just be there lol


that's ok for me


then let's go on Teamspeak




While I started Minecraft I opened Teamspeak and joined a channel with Dream.

''Hi Dream, did you set everything up for streaming?''

''Hey, yeah I'm going to start the stream soon. Are you on the server?''

''Not yet, wait a sec.''

''Ok, I'm starting the stream now, but it takes a minute for the notification to go out so there is nobody right now.''

I opened the stream and put it on my second screen so that I can see what Dream is doing and what donations pop up, or if something happens in general.

Still, nobody was there so I wrote jokingly 'first' in the chat. Then I saw ofter people writing in the chat with the general 'hi' and 'Hey' messages.

''You are such an idiot George, do you think I wouldn't see that?'' Dream said and then did his iconic wheeze.

''What? It's true! I am first!''

Dream just continued to wheeze.

''Oh, I just now noticed! Hello everyone I'm streaming today in the survival world with George.''

Some time went by with me and Dream just playing and Dream sometimes answering questions or saying something about donations.

But then something different happened.

---Dream's POV---

Just as I was mining some iron in the mine my pickaxe broke.

I don't have any wood on me and I don't want to go up just for that.

only friends ... unless? a Gream/Dreamnotfound StoryWhere stories live. Discover now