Chapter 2: A Normal Steady Day

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"Shany, I'm home!" Jay yells throughout our apartment.

"Jay-o, we are gonna get a noice complaint one of these days," I exit the kitchen and walk to him.

"But this is my normal, how could anyone complain about love?"

I roll my eyes but hug him.

"Glad your here, I wanted to talk with you about something."

"Oh lord, no, we are not getting a cat."

"It's not about the cat," I place my hand on his shoulder, his face drops.

"You aren't- we aren't breaking up, are we?" He sets down his jacket and grabs my arms. He bends down a little to be at eye level with me.

"Of course not," I peck his lips, he smiles and sighs. "No."

"Okay," he places a hand on his chest, then shuts the door with his foot. "Thank the lord. Kay, so, what is it?" He pulls us to the couch.

"We can have an animal, and we definitely have the funds for it, and Gabe and Sammys shepherd just had puppies..." I stop because I know he got the idea, he sits at the ends of the coffee table in front of me.

"Maybe. Okay, maybe, but only because it's not cats. We still have, how long till they can leave the mom?"

"Gabe said we can get one when it's 8 weeks old. So, we got 8 weeks to decide."

"Alright, we will definitely think about it. I'm glad you asked instead of just getting one."

"I know you get worried about that stuff, but at least they aren't human beings."

He chuckles, then sits next to me in the couch. I lean into him, he wraps his arm around my shoulder. He kisses my forehead, mumbling a "I love you".

"I love you too Jay."

He's been worried about adopting an animal because we're going to be starting college in about a month, and college is timely.

"We got this, you'll be a good dog dad."

"So will you."


"You are 2 minutes late."

"Sammy, geez. 2 minutes is not the end of the world."

"For this news it is."


"Let's go sit down and eat, yeah?" Gabe wraps his hand around Sammys and pulls them both into the café.

I look over at Jay, I raise an eyebrow. He shrugs then grabs my hand, and we follow after.

So, Gabe and Sammy sit us down, and start talking about Gabe's top surgery and how that's going to go. Gabe is finally able to make transitions, so he's taking it. I'm really happy for him, and for Sammy.

And, the thing I was most shocked at is that they want to have a baby and are considering a sperm-donor. I remind them we are only 19, to which they say they are communicating this a year before they actually do it. So, they are giving themselves a year to decide if they are ready for it, and if they really want to be parents that young, and if a sperm-donor is the best decision for them.

I tell them I will support them fully, Jay tells them we are very happy for them. We really actually are, I'm very happy for them.

And, after we order, Jay and I tell him we might be able to take one of the puppies. They tell us about the whole thing, being a dog owner, that puppy's need a lot of training and a lot of attention. We can definitely do this, as long as we do it together.

"Are you telling your parents?" I ask Gabe and Sammy.

"Not yet, it's still in discussion so we are waiting. We just wanted your insight because y'all are open minded. Well, more open minded than them at least."

"They were open minded about your transition, even approved of the name Gabe. They put you in rehab, and it helped you. They support you and Sammy, and love you both unconditionally. They are supportive Gabe, y'all got this. And, you probably already know that Sammys mom is cool with it. And Sammy's brother loves the bell out of you. I don't think you have to worry Gabe."

"I think it's a great idea, and I think your family will think so too," Jay puts in. I find it cute, he's tried so hard to get close to them because I'm close to them. They are my family.

"Thanks Jay, thank you Shane."

"Of course, we always got your back."


"Cookie night, and your helping me this time," I sit on Jays lap.

"What? We both know I can't bake."

"Too bad, so sad. I'm here to help you anyways. Just come bake with me."

I wrap my arms around his neck and shoulder, he smiles and kisses me.

"Okay, fine. But, fair warning, I might burn it all."

"You will be okay, I'll be there."

He pecks my cheek, I let go of him, and he stands. I sit up and watch him go to our bedroom, I smile, sigh, and fall back into the cushions.


"Jay-o, no, too much flower," I pick up the bag in his hand.

He raises an eyebrow, then continues to watch me as I put some of the flower back in the bag.

"My mom always puts that much."

"Jay-o, I'm sorry, but I've had your moms cookies and they aren't the best."

"Don't be sorry, I know."

I laugh, then help him with the sugar. As we are putting the bags to the side there's a knock at the door.

"I got it, can you whisk that together?" I dust my hands off on the apron.

He flicks some flower at me, I laugh. "Of course," he grins.

"Try not to spill?" I exit the kitchen, I hear him hum and turn down the music in the background.

"Give me a second," I yell to the door, and take off my apron, putting it on the hook. I jog to the door, and unlock it, but keep my foot at the side so it won't open all the way. I turn the doorknob, and open it slowly. "Hello, can I help y-"

I stop, seeing the person at the door. I feel my heart stop, and my breath hitch. My body relaxes, the door slowly opens.



"Hi, Shane, I'm back."

"Baby, who's at the door?!" Jay yells from the kitchen. I stay staring at Zane, he stays staring at me. "Babe, you oka- Zane?"

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