Chapter 6: Student Life (1)

Start from the beginning

Elliot: What do you mean?

Rean: When we were young he was always playing memory games, puzzles, or clue hunting games and always spoke cryptically to make it harder, but it was still fun, especially since Ymir is located near the mountains.

Rean says to the others all following his brother and the others

Emma: Now that you mention it, I think it's weird that he asked Elliot about the purpose of this orientation.

Elliot: But I still don't see why he asked me, he could have asked someone else.

Gallius: I think he wanted to test you, he even gave you a hint, saying that if you were wrong, it didn't matter.

Rean: I second Gaillus on that because I know that my brother doesn't do things for no reason.

So everyone starts to exchange opinions about the real reason for what happened at that orientation.

// Dormitory number three, Trista //

After arriving at the dormitory everyone went to their rooms to start unpacking their belongings and Yuno went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

At this moment Sara arrived in the kitchen and stared at him with an expression not happy at all.

Yuno continues to cook without turning around to look at his teacher...

Yuno: What's wrong Sara, making a face like that?

Sara: You know very well what I want to talk to you about, I want explanations, you cut all links with me for 2 years and nobody knew where you were although you continued your Bracer activities, and then all of a sudden you reappeared as a member of class VII without my knowledge and you also became a sub instructor. How I'm supposed to react.

Yuno knows he's in an awkward situation and did the thing he does best, apologizes.

Yuno: For disappearing for two years without contacting you I am sorry, I apologize for worrying you but I had my reasons and also had a lot to do. For the case of my presence in class VII, we can say that I integrated it to help Prince Olivert to carry out his project and it is him who took care of my inscription which is the reason why you were not informed and it is also because of him that I became sub-instructor.

Sara: I want to understand that there are things you don't want to tell me because I do the same thing, but next time let me know when you disappear for a long time, even though it's only been a few months since I taught you you are still my disciple.

She says to him while hugging Yuno by behind, This last sense that the hug of Sara is a little strong, Yuno did not think that his presence and his wellbeing was so important for her although they know each other only for a few months.

Yuno: Understood I take your request into account Sara, could you please let me go?

Sara: I want to stay like this for a while.

She says to him in a soft voice, she only uses that voice with him and when they are just the two of them and he never knew why she opens up more to him than to anyone else.

Yuno: Just a little bit then.

Yuno says while continuing to cook, then when Sara calms down they start talking about how the month of class is going to go.

Sara: Tell me, what are you preparing for us?

Yuno: It's a secret

Sara: Let me know when it's ready, and I hope there's alcohol for me.

Yuno: And I think you would have changed by becoming a teacher here, but you haven't changed at all.

After Sara has left Yuno hears a noise coming from outside, he goes to the kitchen door that leads to the alley where the garbage is and opens it, he looks around only to find a black cat with a bell around its neck and a purple ribbon at the end of its tail sitting in front of it.

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