Chapter 2: The Awakening of the Oni and the Demon

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I and Rean walk around the ballroom, there are many people, from members of the 4 Noble Houses to Imperial Army officials.

"Yuno-nii, what are we going to do? "asks Rean, following me behind.

"Nothing in particular, maybe make some friends, my father says that meeting people at a young age can save your life later"

"And Rean, don't tell anyone your last name, just say your first name, understood"


"Because some adults don't like your father very much, so to avoid causing trouble, don't say your last name if I don't allow it, it's for your safety"

"Okay, Yuno-nii," he says with a smileThanks to Rean's natural ability to attract people and my ability to interact effectively in public, we have met a lot of children of our age who are not yet indoctrinated into the mindset of the respective faction, and we have been able to talk and have fun together.

We met Rufus Albarea who had just seen us talking to a group of children our age with me and Rean at the center as a group leader we were talking about our lives or something that interests us.

I was able to talk with Legram's Viscount, Victor S. Arseid, also known as Radiant Blademaster he seems to have perceived the aura I give off and suggested that if I go to Legram in the future to go to Arseid School to be able to learn their art and also introduce me to Laura his daughter who also seems to have started her training.

After our little adventure Rean and I joined our fathers who were talking with a person I didn't expect to see The son of Emperor Olivert Reise Arnor if I'm not mistaken he should be 14 this year

"Uncle Giliath, father"

"Oh, you're back, kids, so what did you do? "asks my father.

"We talked and got to know other children our own age," says Rean.

"Meet Duck Albarea's son, Rufus-onii-san I think"

"Yes, that's it, then we ate a lot of candy," Rean replied, nodding his head.

"Speak for yourself, if I wasn't there to help you eat everything you'd have a stomachache."

"Oops, that's right," he says scratching his head

"Oh I almost forgot I met Legram's Viscount, he suggested that maybe in the future I visit him to learn their fencing styles"

Everyone looks at me like I killed one of their families and I know what they think that the Radiant Blademaster is interested in a child to train him, it's that he really must have something special.

"What's the matter? I just talked to him."

"Hahahahaha, Teo your son is really a wonder and if what you told me about him is true and true then the future of the empire is assured"

"Indeed, since you're here, I'd like you to meet someone"

"Pleased to meet you both, I introduce myself Olivert Reise Arnor," he says, raising his hand

"Nice to meet you, Yuno"

"My name is Rean"

"Nice to meet you, Yuno, Rean, I'd like to talk to you longer but I have to go maybe next time" then Olivert leaves

"Well, since the introductions are made, I'm going to go home with Rean because it's getting late and I don't want my wife to worry"

"We too will soon be returning, to another time Giliath, Rean," said my father.

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