Chapter 4: Bracer Guild, 2nd stop Heimdallr

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// 7 September S.1202, Vander School, Reica District, Heimdallr //

"Uh, I lost, but it was fun."

"Speak for yourself, what was that last attack? "

"Oh, that's a technique derived from that of one of my seniors, Arios MacLaine, but it's incomplete."

"A technique of the "divine blade of the wind", Yuno what is your rank in the school of the "Eight Leaves One Blade"?

"Didn't I say that? "


"I received the rank of intermediate disciple five days ago now."

"Ahahahahahahahah" Mueller starts laughing

"What's the matter with you all of a sudden," asks Olivert, who comes back with a pretty lady with long turquoise hair that reminds me of someone but I can't get my hands on it

"What's the matter with you all of a sudden," asks Olivert, who comes back with a pretty lady with long turquoise hair that reminds me of someone but I can't get my hands on it

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Then Mueller stops laughing and looks towards Olivert with a smile, then shows an expression of surprise

"Mother, you're back."

'HIS MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I scream in my head'

"I'm back Mueller, I'm glad you have time to come home, I know you're very busy"

" No, I just came to pick up some stuff before going back on the mission, then I just had a duel with my friend right there"

"Oh, and who won? "

"I won, but barely, I had to use my best attack."

"Thanks to this I'm going to get aches and pains for the next day" I retort

"Now that I think about it, I didn't ask you your first name, young man."

"It's all right, Mrs. Vander, my name is Yuno Schwartzer. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"What polite child my name is Aurier Vander, Instructor of the Vander School, but you can call me Aunt Aurier if you want," she told me with a smile

"Ah" I nod and watch Olivert and Mueller shrugging their shoulders.

"Hum Schwartzer, by any chance you wouldn't be Baron Schwartzer's eldest son."

"Indeed, ma'am, do you know my father?"

"No, but he and my husband are close enough and rival in their youth"

"I see"

After talking with Mrs. Vander, so that I could come and train me in the next few days, I said goodbye to Olivert and Mueller and wished them good luck on their trip and then I headed to a general store to stock up on supplies.

// 7 September S.1202, Vesta Street, Heimdallr //

When I arrive in Vesta Street I ask the passer-by for the nearest general store, when I arrive near a store called Herschel's Shop, I notice a girl with brown hair and green eyes carrying boxes too high for her and don't see where she is going at all,

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