Reunion (Ch. 16)

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Thick drops of water were falling from the lifeless sky. The streets were damped and a few number of people can be seen hurriedly traversing their way to their homes with umbrellas shielding the from the sky's tears.

But despite the absolutely cold wind and harsh rainfall, the blue and purple colors of hydrangeas seemed to make the streets of Musatafu much more vibrant. The flowers seemed to blend well with the dull hues the colored the place, each bundle of its flowers teeming with life.

A boy in his teens, wearing a midnight buttoned shirt was slowly trudging the now abandoned streets - except for a dog who was running through the rain, trying to find comfort in a dry place - his whole body was soaked from the rain drops. But despie the harsh weather, he didn't care as long as he finds the answer that he was looking for.

The ravenette felt himself shiver under the weeping sky but he didn't dare to stop himself from walking- his destination was unknown, not just to everyone but also to himself. He felt his lips tremble as he lifted his hand to brush away a few strands of his hair that were in the way of his golden hues. 'I should cut it as soon as I get back' he thought.

But the mere thought of 'going back' bothered him. He didn't want to see his father figure and get into another argument with him again. Chisaki was after all, in the most terrible mood today. The yakuza boss- no-Pops, was being difficult regarding Shie Hassaikai's future, after all.

The old man didn't approve of his ways to bring back the honor of the yakuza, saying that it broke the organization's code and morals. Meanwhile, the ravenette only wanted to pay his debt by being raised by the boss by bringing back the glory of the yakuza by doing everything he can - even by breaking its damned code and morals.

He was frustrated, angry even. He couldn't contol his emotions, he wanted to let it all out but at the end, he decided to say nothing more. Questions were filled his head as he stormed out of the base a while ago. Why couldn't Pops understand him? Why does the old man seemed so stucked up with the ideas of morals and ethics and other bullshit like that? All that the ravenette has ever wanted was for the good of the organization that he grew up in.

Chisaki knew that there should be a change when it comes to how Shie Hassaikai handles things. Change means growth, and it meant sacrificing things or people for the sake of surviving in this world full of sickness - a world being eaten up by the ideas of heroes. 'Disgusting heroes' he thought.

The ravenette released a sigh and unconsciously stopped his feet from moving. He needed a break, that's why he was walking under the pouring rain without any destination in mind. He was afraid that he might do something he would regret if he stayed inside their dwelling especially that he had no means to release his raging emotions without the use of violence - without the use of his quirk, overhaul.

Chisaki looked up at the dark sky. He ramained still under it, he could feel his chest knot up. He might not say it out loud but he was in pain. He just wanted to be understood, to be acknowledged by someone. But he knew that he couldn't wish for something that seemed impossible, that's why he wept with the sky. His golden hues betraying him as hot tears slide off of them.

Unbeknownst to him, however, (e/c) orbs were flickering as they watch the dazzling ravenette. It felt surreal and beautiful to the artist. Something about the man had made her take interest in him. She can feel his sorrow, as she scanned his ebony locks that seemed to shine under the rain, down to his magnificent golden orbs that seemed like they were made of gold itself.

But her sightseeing soon ended when the two of them met each other's eyes. (Y/n) didn't know how to react so she just immediately averted her gaze, her cheeks flushing with pink hues because of embarssment from being caught staring to a stranger. With this, she immediately made her way inside the building, a convenience store that she had meant to go before being stopped by the unusual yet beautiful view of the man.

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