Friend (Ch. 7)

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A/n: This chapter was inspired by a song called Kataomoi by Aimer :)

It was another day for (Y/n) to open her shop. She would have flipped the sign indicating that her beloved flower shop is finally open for business enthusiastically - like in any regular day - but she didn't on this particular day. Instead, she felt like keeping her door close to everyone and just hide somewhere inside her home. 

The female felt her sweat drop every time she hears the bell on her door give off its sound - indicating someone visited her shop. Her palms were sweaty and her heart has been thumping faster than its usual pace inside her chest every moment that passes by. She tried her best to look normal but she knew that she almost look constipated because of her anxiousness.

Today was the deadline for her decision, her answer that will change her whole life. She couldn't even sleep  last night - no - she hasn't been able to sleep peacefully during the past few days. But she finally made the decision, although she knew that she actually didn't have any other choice. She had decided to accept Chisaki's offer and now, she's waiting anxiously for the man to come visit her.

"... (Y/n)? Hey!"

The female felt someone grab her arm and she immediately came back to her senses. She was met with her elf-eared friend's indigo eyes.

"T-tamaki! W-why...?" (Y/n) tried to her best to speak normally but failed.

"A-are you okay? Y-you seem o-out of it." Tamaki's voice was laced with concern for the female. He had been trying to contact her for the past few days but his messages were left on read.

"Ah yes. S-sorry for worrying you. I  was just thinking about..." she scanned the whole room, hoping that she might find an idea on what she was supposed to be thinking about.

Tamaki, on the other hand, just gave her a confused look. He was deeply concerned with the female, he always has been after his encounter with the man with raven hair. Something about Chisaki made him feel very cautious and to be honest, scared of his presence. But despite of that, he knew that he should gather the courage to face the ravenette if ever (Y/n) needed him.

"The delivery! Yes, I was.. uh.. thinking about how late the delivery for the flowers are this month!" (Y/n) continued, trying to sound convincing.

"(Y/n), the flowers were delivered yesterday, a-and it was also earlier than the usual delivery date s-so please stop g-giving me e-excuses." Tamaki unconsciously pout because of his realization that (Y/n) was keeping something from him, and as her friend, he felt quite sad about it.

The elf-eared male's gloomy mood didn't go unnoticed. (Y/n) felt guilty on how she was dealing with things, especially the fact that she must have hurt Tamaki's feelings because of her obvious lies.

"B-but don't worry. I d-don't want to f-force you to open up to m-me i-if you're n-not comfortable-" The male was immediately cut off because of the sudden impact of the artist's bkdy on him.

(Y/n) was almost in tears when she heard what Tamaki said, it was the nicest words that she received ever since she met Chisaki. She has always been thankful on being blessed with such good friends like Tamaki, but right now, knowing that the indigo-haired boy is being considerate and understanding despite the fact that she's been lying to him almost made her heart swell up because of happiness.

On the other hand, Tamaki was feeling his face heat up from the hug. He didn't know what to do, is he supposed to hug her back? Will that be okay? But what if she thought he was being a pervert? So he was just left there standing awkwardly while being hugged by the woman that he adores. But still, it was clear to everyone who saw his face how awe-stricken he was with the female - noting the small smile that have accompanied his indigo orbs filled with tenderness as he look down on the woman whose head was resting on his chest.

But everything has an end to it, Tamaki felt (Y/n)'s weight off of him. He wanted to savor the moment more, but he knew that that fleeting moment was already enough.

"Thank you, Tamaki. I-I'm sorry for lying to you. I just - it's just that things are quite complicated right now so please I hope you understand." (Y/n) bowed slightly in front of her friend, to let him know how sincere her words are.

The male was taken aback by the sudden gesture."H-hey no need f-for that. P-please raise y-your head." he said while waving his arms around because of the embarassment.

"P-plus, isn't that what f-friends do? We should a-always try to understand e-each other as long a-as it's n-not something that can l-lead to a-anything bad." Tamaki continued.

The female then felt Tamaki's hand on one of her shoulders, which caused her to look up.

" And of course, I have faith in you, (Y/n) " Tamaki continued, accompanied with a shy yet the warmest smile that the female have ever seen. As if on cue, the artist's tears came falling down from her eyes. The male panicked, thinking that he might have done something to offend her.

That morning was then filled with warmth and affection caused by the two friends' deep attachment with each other. After talking a bit more and understanding each other, Tamaki stayed until afternoon to accompany (Y/n) and also help her out on her shop. So far, it was the best memory that the artist have with Tamaki.

But unknown from them, a certain ravenette was observing them from afar and it didn't impressed him even the slightest bit.

Author's note:

Hi, everyone! It's been a while. Sorry for the super duper late update. As usual, I've been struggling with work and other personal stuff but don't worry, I'll try my best to continue this story.

Anyways, as you have read, I intended to focus this chapter on (Y/n) and Tamaki's relationship. I wanted to write this because Tamaki will actually be an important character as the story continues. But don't worry, the main lead, Chisaki, will be on the spotlight soon.

So yes, I hope you enjoy this story and will keep on reading it. Thank you very much for your continuous support!! 😊❤️

Have a great day, everyone!

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